Date _7/15/16_______ Shift _ __ Officer _Hawley_Richardson___ _______
0700 Officer Hawley on duty
0800 met boat
0930 met boat
1030 met boat
1100 medical call Peaks Health Clinic
1120 parking compliant 11 Luther st GOA
1125 lay out (Paul Dibiase) stated he was fine
1130 met boat
1230 met boat
1410 call for underage golf cart drivers checked area GOA
1430 shift change with Officer Hawley
Officer Sibley
1515 met ferry
1630 met ferry
Traffic stop on Island ave
Unlicensed driver on a golf cart
Two summonses issued
1735 met ferry
Physical altercation on the dock between two teenage boys
No report at this time
1915 met ferry
2015 met ferry
2115 met ferry
Had beach partiers extinguish fire behind CMP
2230 met ferry
Officer Knight
2330 met ferry
Checked TEIA
Checked American Legion
Checked Lions Club
Daily Tasks/Public Relations/Maintenance/Miscellaneous