Friday, March 20, 2015

03/19/2015 Ofc Rumery-Taylor
0700- shift change w/Ofc Lauterbach-PFD shift change-patrolled Island
0800- met ferry
0945- met ferry
0958- Medcu 12 call to Central Ave Health Center-transport
1100- met ferry-fueled cruiser
1230- met ferry-patrolled Island
1430- met ferry
1530- met ferry-patrolled Island
1645- met ferry-loose black lab-no collar-no ID-unable to catch dog-owner called station looking for dog-dog captured by owner-patrolled Island
1750- met ferry
1930- met ferry
1952- Islander stopped by to inquire who would be working on 03/20/15
2030- met ferry-patrolled Island
2130- met ferry-patrolled Island

Don't forget to change the batteries in your smoke detectors if you haven't already done so. The first day of Spring is just as great a time to replace those batteries as Daylight Savings...

Thursday, March 19, 2015

03/18/2015   Ofc. Robert Lauterbach
0700 - arrived on island.
0800 - met ferry and patrolled island.
0945 - met ferry.
1040 - assisted FD with checking Knox box at 25 Church Ave.
1100 - met ferry.
1230 - met ferry and patrolled island.
1430 - ladder 12 check with FD at DPW.
1530 - met ferry.
1620 - patrolled island and met 1645 ferry.
1750 - met ferry.
1930 - met ferry.
2030 - met ferry.
2050 - special attention to DPW property.
2130 - met ferry
***Please remember that the Welch St. lot has a 72 Hr. parking limit.***


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

03-17-2015   Ofc. T. OConnor
0700-arrived on the island
0800-met the ferry, checked the Welch St. lot
0945-met the ferry, checked the area around the school
1100-met the ferry, patrolled
1230-met the ferry, checked the Community Center
1430-met the ferry, checked the back side of the island
1530-met the ferry, patrolled
1645-met the ferry, gave extra attention to Seashore Ave.
1750-met the ferry, patrolled around the island
1930-met the ferry, patrolled
2030-met the ferry, checked the area around DPW
2130-met the ferry, checked the Community Center

Tip of the day.........remember pets need to be kept on a leash

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

03/16/2015   Ofc. Robert Lauterbach
0700 - arrived on island.
0800 - met ferry.
0815 - traffic detail at Peaks Elementary school.  Eight vehicles passed. All driving between 13 and 17 MPH.
0945 - met ferry.
1100 - met ferry and patrolled island.
1230 - met ferry.
1400 - patrolled island and met 1430 ferry.
1530 - met ferry.
1645 - met ferry.
1750 - met ferry and patrolled island.
1900 - patrolled island and met 1930 ferry.
2030 - met ferry.
2130 - met ferry.

Reminder- Keep all valuables out of view when it your vehicle, and lock it.  

Monday, March 16, 2015

03-15-2015   Ofc. T. OConnor
0700-arrived on the island
0800-met the ferry, checked the back side of the island
0945-met the ferry, checked the Welch St. lot
1100-met the ferry, checked the area around the school
1230-met the ferry, checked the Community Center
1430-met the ferry, patrolled
1530-met the ferry, cleaned the vehicle, patrolled
1645-met the ferry, checked the area around DPW
1750-met the ferry, patrolled
1930-met the ferry, patrolled around the island
2030-met the ferry, gave extra attention to Welch St
2130-met the ferry, checked the Community Center
Tip of the Day....Check the batteries in your smoke detectors

03/14/2015   Ofc. Richardson

0700 shift change with Officer Taylor
0800 met ferry
0830 patrolled island
0930 met ferry
1030 ran radar for speeders on Island Ave for about 90 mins.  Checked approx 30 vehicles.  No speeders, fastest vehicle was 18 miles an hour.
1215 met ferry
Parking complaint Island Ave
1415 met ferry
1515 met ferry
1630 met ferry
1800 met ferry
1915 met ferry
2015 met ferry
The fireman received a call from a homeowner who told of an intoxicated man walking into his house
the only info I received was in the area of the inn, after a search I found the male drinking water at an island ave establishment.  Man was identified and assisted to Casco Bay Lines.
2115 met ferry
2230 met ferry
2330 checked American Legion

The frost was deep this, winter potholes are at their worst.. slow down and avoid damage to your vehicle.
03/13/2015  Ofc Rumery-Taylor
0700- shift change w/Ofc Richardson-PFD shift change-patrolled Island
0800- met ferry
0945- met ferry-patrolled Island
1100- met ferry-patrolled Island
1230- met ferry-fueled cruiser
1430- met ferry-patrolled Island
1530- met ferry
1645- met ferry-patrolled Island
1750- met ferry
1830- Medcu 12 to 141 New Island Ave-transport
1930- met ferry
2030- met ferry-patrolled Island
2130- met ferry
2250- patrolled Island

With another snowstorm headed our way, keep the path to your home clear as well as all your entryways and remember the parking rules, don't leave your car on the street if there is a parking ban.