Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Peaks Island 06-26-2012  OFFICER O'CONNOR

0700- arrived on the island

0800- met the ferry, fireside shift change

0900-checked the ferry, checked the welch St. parking lot

1000- checked the ferry, checked the lions club

1100- checked the ferry, patrolled

1200-checked the ferry

1300- patrolled the back of the island

1400- checked the ferry , fire alarm 420 Seashore ave

1500- checked the ferry, burglar alarm 660 Seashore ave

1600-checked the ferry, checked the community center, patrolled

1700- checked the ferry, report of a stolen bicycle infront of the ice cream shop

1800- patrolled

1900- checked the ferry, patrolled

2000- checked the ferry

2100- checked the ferry, checked the lions club

2200- checked the ferry, patrolled

2300- checked the ferry, checked the community center

0700 shift change with officer rose

0800 shift change with pfd (ff flint)

0830 patrolled island with ff flint

0930 met ferry

1015 met ferry

1115 met ferry spoke to owner of missing ll bean bicycle to get more information. also checked with brad

1215 met ferry

1415 met ferry

1500 sa to gazebo

1515 met ferry

1430 medical issue at waiting room.. person sent up to mmc on fireboat

1515 met ferry

1630 met ferry

1730 met ferry

1915 met ferry

2015 met ferry

2115 met ferry

2130 criminal threatning report taken (via text messages)

2200 sa to gazebo

2230 met ferry

2300 checked lions club

2330 met ferry

0005 patrolled island

0020 checked american legion

0030 checked on twc opperation

Monday, June 25, 2012

6-24-12 Officer Richardson

0700 shift change with officer rose (officer keller)

0800 shift change with pfd (ff brown)

patrolled island with ff flint

0845 criminal mischief complaint at the lions club

0930 met ferry

1015 met ferry

1100 open house for peaks fest

1115 met ferry

1215 met ferry

1414 shift change for pd (officer bickford)

1500 patrolled island with officer bickford

1515 met ferry

1600 open house ends (thank u ff brown)

1630 met ferry

1735 met ferry

1800 shift change with pfd (ff flint)

1900 intoxicated subject upper a st

1930 return to upper a st for intoxicated subject

2015 met ferry

2115 met ferry

2230 met ferry

shift change with ppd (officer reagan)

patroled islandwith officer reagan

2330 met ferry

0150 whitehead resident called to complain of loud voices from neighbors

0700 altercation between two dogs in front of the police station. (that could have gone better!!!!)
Peaks Island Shift Log 6-23-12  Officer Rose

0800-On shift Officers Rose and Connolly. FF Brown

1000-Met boat

1100-Met boat/patrolled island

1230-Resolved parking complaint for ferry line

1445-Met boat/special attention to the landing, no problems noticed

1530-Met boat/routine patrol, Special attention for a missing bike no report

1645-Met boat special attention to the landing, I D checks no problems noticed

1800-Met boat large crowd leaving the island

1945-Met boat

2045-Met boat

2145-Met boat /checked on beach fires, no problems

2245-Met boat/ routine patrol
Shift Log Peaks Island

June 22, 2012  Officer Rose

0700-On Shift

0800-Met boat/picked up new firefighter

0900-1230 Truck training with new firefighter

1430-Met boat

1500-Picked up another new firefighter for island training

1530-Met boat/picked up OT Officer Connolley community policing coordinator Colton to assist setting up for Peaksfest open house.

1645-Met boat/ patrolled island. loose dog found.

1745-Wet boat/dropped of coordinator Colton

1800-Met boat

1830-Responded to Central Ave for report of fireworks, unfounded signal cannon used for one shot

1930-Met boat/routine patrol

2045-Check the well being call on Island Ave, female subject

2130- Met Boat/Routine patrol

2245- Met boat/OT Officer Sibley/routine patrol heavy rain all quiet

2345-Met boat few people

We set up a table with bike helmets, stickers and badges for Peaksfest's open house.

Robert Lauterbach 6/21/2012

0700 - arrived on island.

0800 - met ferry and picked up firefighter partner.

0830 - Residential burglary alarm to 180 Island Ave. Work being done in home and contractor did not have proper pass code. Owner was coming in to fix the problem.

0930 - met ferry.

0955 - transported city engineer to DPW to work on water tank truck.

1030 - met ferry and dropped off my firefighter partner to fire boat landing. Fd had island checks to do.

1130 - met ferry.

1215 - patrolled island and met 1230 ferry.

1345 - picked up firefighter partner from fire boat landing.

1430 - made contact with a suspect in a theft case that occurred on the main land. Spoke with the detective on the case and he wanted me to recover the laptop and obtain a statement from him. I did without incident. I'll return the laptop to the detective in the morning.

1530 - met ferry.

1620 - drove around island and met 1645 ferry.

1750 - met ferry.

1900 - drove around perimeter of island.

2030 - met ferry.

2130 - met ferry.

2230 - checked DPW property.

2245 - met ferry.

2330 - responded to the Inn at Peaks for a golf cart theft. Recovered shortly after at Jones Landing, unoccupied. No suspect information. Report done.

0005 - responded to 12 Wild Rose for an audible alarm. Faulty smoke detector.

0025 - drove around perimeter of island. Made contact with a couple who had a small camp fire on the back shore. Stood by as they put the fire out.

0045 - checked community building.