Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November 21, 2016   Officer Randy Richardson

2130 shift change with Officer Connolly

2230 met ferry

2330 checked American Legion

checked Lions Club

checked DPW

checked TEIA

Monday, November 21, 2016

Robert Lauterbach 11/15/2016

0700 - arrived on island.

0800 - met ferry and patrolled island.

0920 - patrolled back shore and met ferry.

1030 - medcu 312 run to maple St.  Patient transported to fire boat with out incident.

1230 - met ferry.

1430 - met ferry and patrolled island.

1525 - burglary alarm sounding at the legion.  All set.  Person on scene was able to reset alarm.

1750 - met ferry.

1900 - patrolled island and met 1930 ferry.

2030 - met ferry.

2130 - met ferry.

2245 - checked DPW property.

***Always stop for pedestrians in crosswalks
November 21, 2016   Officer Randy Richardson

0700 shift change with Officer Rose

0800 met ferry

shift change with PFD

patrolled island with PFD

0930 met ferry

parking complaint on Island Ave

1 ticket issued

1045 met ferry

1215 met ferry

1415 met ferry

please watch where you park your car
please park with the flow of traffic

Date _11-20-2016        Shift _1 __     Officer _ ROSE             _______         

Daily Tasks/Public Relations/Maintenance/Miscellaneous

0700 Reported for duty With Fire Fighter Lt. Bragdon

Completed house duties and checks

Monitored traffic on Island Ave, normal traffic

Report of a downed line on Central Ave, telephone wire fell from home.

Report of an open basement door. Located and appears that no entry was gained

Met the Ferry throughout the day as time permitted

Patrolled the Island

Please prepare for winter storms sooner that later.   

Novemeber 19, 2016                Officer Randy Richardson

0700 shift change with Officer Connolly

0800 met ferry

0830 patrolled island with PFD

Checked DPW

Checked TEIA

0930 met ferry

1045 met ferry

1415 met ferry

1630 met ferry

1735 met ferry

1850 patrolled island with PFD

1915 met ferry

2015 met ferry

Found resident adding leaves to his “outdoor cooking fire” (that would be a big NO)

2115 met ferry

2230 met ferry

Checked Lions Club

2330 checked American Legion

Please don’t forget a lighting device when walking at night. Wear bright clothes whenever possible.

 Date: November 18, 2016         Officer Connolly
0700 hours:  Shift change.  Reported to duty with Lt Walsh
0720 hours: Special attention to Welch St. lot.
0730 hours: Vehicle maintenance and inspection
0745 hours: Patrolled island
0800 hours: Met ferry
0830 hours: Returned found property to resident on Central Ave.
0945 hours: Met ferry
1015 hours: Special attention to Battery Steele area.
1100 hours: Met ferry
1200 hours: Patrolled Island
1430 hours: Met ferry
1445 hours: Special attention to Welch St. lot.
1530 hours: Met ferry
1645 hours: Met ferry
1730 hours: Patrolled island
1930 hours: Met ferry
2130 hours: Met ferry
-Watch your footing while walking or running outside as the fallen leaves can be wet and slippery.