Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Peaks Island log 04-11-2012
0700- arrived on the island
0800- checked the ferry, fire side shift change
0900- checked the ferry, patrolled the back of the island
1000- checked the ferry, checked on suspicious person infront of 10 New Island ave.
1100- checked the ferry, patrolled, checked the community center
1200- checked the ferry, patrolled
1300- patrolled
1400- checked the ferry, shift change.
Robert Lauterbach 4/10/2012
0700 - arrived on island and drove around perimeter of island.
0800 - met ferry and picked up firefighter.
0920 - drove through Central Ave. and met 0945 ferry.
1045 - drove through Brackett Ave. and met 1100 ferry.
1230 - met ferry.
1325 - drove around perimeter of island.
1430 - met ferry.
1530 - met ferry.
1645 - met ferry and drove around island.
1750 - met ferry.
1930 - met ferry.
2015 - checked DPW property.
2030 - met ferry.
2045 - advised a resident on a civil issue that he is having with his neighbor.
2130 - met ferry.
2230 - checked Lion's Club.
2245 - met ferry.
2345 - met ferry.
0030 - checked community building.  Library and community building secure.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Peaks Island log 04-10-2012 Officer O'Connor
0700- arrived on the island
0800- checked the ferry, shift change for the fire dept.
0900- checked the ferry, checked the welch st. lot, dog running of a leash complaint on city point road
1000- checked the ferry,  went to 79 Island ave with Glen Stimson so he could take pictures of damage to the house
1100- checked the ferry, fire dept. left the Island for training
1200- checked the ferry, patrolled central ave
1300 patrolled
1400- checked the ferry,checked the welch st. lot, patrolled
1500- checked the ferry, patrolled the back of the island
1600- checked the ferry, checked the community center
1700- checked the ferry, checked the school lot/area
1800- checked the ferry, checked the welch st lot, patrolled,
1900- checked the ferry, patrolled
2000- checked the ferry, patrolled, checked the lions club
2100- checked the ferry, patrolled, checked the community center
2200- checked the ferry, patrolled

Monday, April 9, 2012

4-4-12 Officer Richardson
0700 shift change with c taylor
0800 shift change with pfd
(ff flint)
0815 patroled island with ff flint
0930 met ferry
1000 spoke with island ave resident about her return to the island
1045 met ferry
2115 met ferry
1300 spoke to island ave resident about the disposition of her 7 dogs
1415 met ferry
1515 met ferry
1630 met ferry
1735 met ferry
1800 traffic stop on sterling st driver sent home on foot
1915 met ferry
2015 met ferry
2115 met ferry
2230 met ferry
2330 checked american legion
0800 semi annual qualifications

Ofc. Rumery-Taylor 04/05/2012
0700-shift change w/Ofc. Richardson
0800-met ferry shift change FF Falconieri
0830-equipment/bldg maint.
0900-patrolled Island
0930-11 Park Ave Medcu 12 call
1020-patrolled Island
1100-met ferry
1200-met w/Children's Workshop @ Police/Fire station
1230-met ferry
1330-patrolled Island
1430-met ferry
1500-stopped by construction site on Maple @ Seashore
1530-met ferry
1600-Engine 12 in service-training
1645-met ferry
1750-met ferry
1810-abandoned vehicle towed from Welch St. Case#12-2783
1930-met ferry
2030-met ferry and patrolled Island
2130-met ferry
2230-met ferry
Spoke with Island resident about her concerns about her home,recent activities there and her expressed desire to return home-put her in touch with Code Enforcement to get answers for her.
04/06/12 Connolly

1430: shift change with Officer Smith

1445:  Patrol Vehicle battery dead had to charge back up

1500: Police/Fire Golf Cart has flat tire, needs to be replaced.

1510: patrolled island.  Met 1745 ferry

1800 patrolled island

1930 met ferry, patrolled island

2130 met ferry

2245 met ferry, shift change

Peaks shift log 04-07-2012
0700- met ferry
0800- met ferry , checked welch st lot, patrolled
0900- met ferry, subject turned over a found wallet
1000- checked ferry, patrolled, found wallet returned to owner at 80 Luther st
1100- found items turned in central ave
1200- checked ferry, patrolled, checked school area
1300- patrolled, checked the community center
1400- checked the ferry, dog off a leash warning Sea shore ave
1500- checked the ferry, patrolled central ave
1600- checked the ferry, patrolled, checked the lions club
1700- checked the ferry, patrolled
1800- patrolled, checked the welch st lot, patrolled
1900- checked the ferry, patrolled
2000- checked the ferry , patrolled the back of the island
2100-checked the ferry, patrolled
2200- checked the ferry , patrolled, checked the community center, school area
2300- checked the ferry, patrolled
Robert Lauterbach 4/8/2012

0800 - Arrived on island.  
0850 - Responded to Central Ave. extension to recover a vehicle.  The vehicle was taken sometime last night when it was parked in front of 162 Island Ave.
0920 - Transported the registered owner to the location to recover her vehicle.  Took report.
1040 - drove around perimeter of island and met 1100 ferry.
1145 - drove through Central ave. 
1230 - met ferry.
1400 - drove through Brackett ave. 
1430 - met ferry.
1530 - met ferry.
1420 - drove around perimeter of island.
1650-  met ferry.
1750 - met ferry.
1930 - met ferry.
2000 - drove around perimeter of island and met 2030 ferry.
2130 - met ferry.
2240 - checked community building.
2350 - checked DPW property.