Friday, October 24, 2014

10/23/2014   Ofc. Robert Lauterbach

0700 - arrived on island.
0800 - met ferry and patrolled island.
0945 - met ferry.
1045 - patrolled Central Ave. and met 1100 ferry.
1230 - met ferry.
1300 - spoke with subject at station house who was inquiring if they had a warrant.  Dispatch was able to advise that he didn't.  He was on his way.
1430 - met ferry.
1530 - met ferry and patrolled Brackett Ave.
1645 - met ferry.
1750 - met ferry.
1900 - patrolled island and met 1930 ferry.
2030 - met ferry.
2130 - met ferry and checked DPW property.
2245 - met ferry.

***Quick reminder***Make sure you check your smoke detectors.
10-22-2014   Ofc. T. O'Connor

0700-arrived on the island
0800-met the ferry, checked the Welch St. lot
0945-met the ferry, patrolled the back side of the island
1100-met the ferry, checked on Seagull on Seashore Ave.
1230- met the ferry, checked the area around the school
1430-met the ferry, checked the Community Center
1530-met the ferry, assisted a subject on Welch St. , patrolled island
1645-met the ferry, checked the area around DPW
1750-met the ferry, patrolled
1930-met the ferry, patrolled
2030-met the ferry, checked the Community Center
2130-met the ferry, patrolled
0200-checked on an alarm 180 Island Ave.

 Tip of the day.....lets keep our pets safe...don't leave them out when you leave the island 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

10/21/2014   Ofc. Richardson
0700 shift change with Oficer Tylor
0800 met ferry
Patrolled island with PFD
0830 assist PFD with medical call on Ocean. (TRANSPORT REFUSED)
0930 met ferry
1045 met ferry
Checked TEIA
1215 met ferry
1415 met ferry
1515 met ferry
1630 met ferry
1735 met ferry
1915 met ferry
Checked DPW
2115 met ferry
2230 checked Lions Club
Checked American Legion

heating season is upon us.. is it time to clean your chimney?? (better to do it now than when snow is on your roof)


Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10/20/2014   Ofc. Rumery-Taylor
0700- shift change w/Ofc Richardson
0800- met ferry-spoke w/CBL re:car parked unattended in line. owner appears to have gotten on 0715 boat and left vehicle illegally parked.
0830- Island at Sunset resident in area asked for check to see if her stove had been left on-nothing amiss.
0840- illegally parked vehicle in Car ferry line ticketed and tagged for tow due to being unregistered-vehicle parked on Island Ave also tagged for tow due to being unregistered.
0930- Pleasant Ave -area of #67 loose donkey and horse reported, rounded up and secured in round pen w/PFD assist-patrolled Island
1100- met ferry-patrolled Island
1230- met ferry-patrolled Island
1400- Criminal Mischief report-3 flat tires on truck in one week span.
1430- met ferry-patrolled Island
1530- met ferry
1645- met ferry-patrolled Island
1715- Engine 12 training
1755- Engine 12 down to boat
1830- CERT meeting at Community Center.
1930- met ferry-patrolled Island
2030- met ferry-patrolled Island
2130- met ferry-patrolled Island
2245- met ferry

Health Tip of the Week

A Simple Way to Stay Healthy

Hand washing doesn't take much time or effort, but it offers great rewards in terms of preventing illness.  Adopting this simple habit can play a major role in protecting your health.
Rub your hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer and remember to scrub all surfaces, including the backs of your hands, wrists, between your fingers and under your fingernails.  

Monday, October 20, 2014

10/19/2014   Ofc. Richardson

0700 shift change with Officer Taylor
Patrolled island with PFD
0800 met ferry
0930 met ferry
1045 met ferry
1215 met ferry
1230 Seashore Ave resident reports her mailbox damaged during the night, report completed.
1515 met ferry
checked TEIA
1630 met ferry
1800 met ferry
1915 met ferry
2015 met ferry
checked DPW
2115 met ferry
2230 checked Lions Club
checked American Legion

Now that most of the summer guests have left for the season.. be a good neighbor and keep your eyes open near their property... if you notice something out of the ordinary, give us a call.

10/18/2014  Ofc Rumery-Taylor
0700- shift change w/Ofc Lauterbach-PFD shift change--received a copy of a flyer w/note from MIT Professor re:all day/night party for "Sovereign State of # Ferguson" written over a map of Peaks Island. Several Islanders aware of "party invitation to 46 Winding Way" stated that they had seen the event on twitter and were concerned at the size of a crowd should they respond and come to the Island-Shift commander notified.
0800- met ferry-patrolled Island
0945- met ferry-patrolled Island-S/A to Winding way-no activity
1100- met ferry-patrolled Island
1230- met ferry-patrolled Island-S/A to Winding Way-no activity
1330- met ferry-spoke w/band member retrieving guitars forgotten after Wedding
1430- met ferry-patrolled Island
1530- met ferry-patrolled Island-S/A to Winding Way-no activity
1645- met ferry
1700- 46 Winding Way-attempted to contact Professor Jackson re:Islander finding his backpack in road
1750- met ferry-checked wedding venues
1930- met ferry-patrolled Island-checked wedding venues
2030- met ferry-checked wedding venues
2130- met ferry-patrolled Island-checked wedding venues
2245- met ferry-patrolled Island
2300- 46 Winding Way-spoke w/Professor Jackson re:backpack found in road
2315- checked bars
2345- met ferry
Cold and Flu season is upon us. If you are in the category of people who are at risk, remember to talk to your health care provider and get your flu shot. If you are running a fever please remember the close quarters on the ferries and stay home if you think you are contagious.

10/17/2014   Ofc. Robert Lauterbach
0700 - arrived on island.
0800 - met ferry and patrolled island.
0920 - patrolled island and met 0945 ferry.
1100 - met ferry.
1215 - cleaned ambulance and truck bay.
1430 - met ferry and patrolled island.
1530 - met ferry.
1645 - met ferry and patrolled island.
1750 - met ferry.
1920 - met 1930 ferry.
1945 - special attention check for DPW.  Tank 12 parked outside all night.
2030 - met ferry.
2130 - met ferry.
2245 - met ferry. 

***Quick tip***Please remember to lock your vehicles and keep any valuables out of eye sight when left in your vehicle.