Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Officer Richardson   7/25/17

0700 shift change with Officer Connolly

0800 met ferry

0830 patrolled island with PFD

0915 met ferry

Loose dog found

Returned to owner

1015 met ferry

1115 met ferry

1215 met ferry

Parking complaint at Island and Welch

Two tickets issued

1415 met ferry

1515 met ferry

1630 met ferry

Complaint of underage drivers on a golf cart on seashore
Golf cart located (two licensed drivers riding it )

1735 met ferry

1915 met ferry

2015 met ferry

2115 met ferry

2230 met ferry

2330 checked American Legion

Checked Lions Club

Cars and trucks are acceptable to tow trailers.. golf carts and riding lawn mowers are not.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Date: July 24,  2017         Officer Connolly
0700 hours:  Shift change. Report to duty with Lt. Wallace
0715 hours: Vehicle maintenance and inspection.
0750 hours: Special attention to Welch St. lot.  
0930 hours: Returned lost property to individual.
1330 hours: Traffic stop, Island Ave and Church St.  Citation issued.
1445 hours: Monitored traffic on Island Ave.  Parking ticket issued.
Monitored ferry traffic throughout day (light/very rainy day).
Met ferry throughout the day as time permitted.
Patrolled Island throughout day.
-Please lock your golf cart and at the very least, don't leave the ignition key in the cart while unattended.  

Monday, July 24, 2017



Date __7-11-2017_ Shift ___0730-0730 Officer _Kezal___

0730 Started shift

0815 Met Ferry/ Island Patrol

0945 Met Ferry

1015 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

1145 Met Ferry/ Island Patrol

1245 Met Ferry

1445 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

1530 Citizen Complaint

1545 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

1700 Met Ferry/ Island Patrol

1800 Met Ferry

1940 Barking dog complaint

1945 Met Ferry/ Island Patrol

2045 Island Patrol/ Golf cart enforcement

2145 Met Ferry

2255 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

0230 Audible alarm

0730 End of Shift
Officer Richardson    7/23/17

0700 shift change with Officer Rose
Officer Sibley

0800 met ferry

Checked TEIA

0915 met ferry

1015 met ferry

911 hang up call on centennial beach

Made contact, problem solved by homeowner

1115 met ferry

1215 met ferry

Officer Miller

1415 met ferry

Walk in complaint of barking dog on island ave
Owner asked to purchase a bark collar

1515 met ferry

1630 met ferry

Found property (cell phone)

1735 met ferry

Found property returned to owner

Bicyclist vs golfcart accident

Cyclist transported to ER, report taken

1915 met ferry

2015 met ferry

2115 met ferry

2230 met ferry

2330 checked American Legion

Checked Lions club


Date __7-21-2017_ Shift ___0730-0730 Officer _Kezal___

0730 Started shift

0750 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

0945 Met Ferry

1015 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

1145 Met Ferry

1235 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

1430 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

1500 Theft Report

1630 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

1800 Met Ferry/ Addressed a citizen complaint of issues with parking at the circle(none
witnessed at this ferry)

1930 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry(addressed parking issues(none found)

2045 Met Ferry

2055 Assisted FD

2125 Fireworks call

2145 Met Ferry/ Island Patrol

2245 Island Patrol/Met Ferry

2345 Assist Medcu

0130 Assist Medcu

0200 Assist Medcu

0715 Ended shift


Date _7/20/17________ Shift __________ Officer __Richardson/Rose________

0700 shift change with Officer Kezal

0800 met ferry

0915 met ferry

Found item on Seashore Ave

1015 met ferry

1115 met ferry

1215 met ferry

Found property returned to owner

Checked several young looking drivers of golf carts, no violations found

Medical call to the school, refused transport

Alarm call to 18 Central AVE, battery in smoke detector

Returned lost property to its owner


Date __7-19-2017_ Shift ___0730-0730 Officer _Kezal___

0730 Started shift

0815 Met Ferry/ Island Patrol

0930 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

1020 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

1115 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

1240 Met Ferry

1415 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

1545 Met Ferry

1630 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

1735 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

1900 MV complaint/ Island Patrol

1945 Met Ferry

2145 Met Ferry

2245 Island Patrol/ Met Ferry

0715 End of shift
Officer Richardson    7/17/17

0700 shift change with Officer Connolly

0800 met ferry

checked TEIA

0915 met ferry

1015 met ferry

1115 met ferry

1215 met ferry

1400 animal complaint elizabeth st

1 summons issued for dog at large

complaint of adult holding a child while driving a golf carton island ave
unable to locate

1515 met ferry

1630 met ferry

parking complaint on welch st
1 ticket issued

1735 met ferry

golf cart operator warned for holding children

1915 met ferry

2015 met ferry

2115 met ferry

2230 met ferry

2330 checked American Legion

checked Lions Club


Date: July 15,  2017         Officer Connolly
0700 hours:  Shift change. Report to duty with Capt. Thomson.  Officer Miller second officer.
0715 hours: Vehicle maintenance and inspection.
0745 hours: Special attention to Welch St. lot.  
1100 hours: Monitored traffic on Island Ave.
1230 hours: Officer Richardson reported to duty.
1300 hours: Patrolled down-front on bike.
1300-1700 hours: Conducted numerous bar checks of Jones Landing and surrounding areas.  Informed staff not to let one individual in because he was visually intoxicated.  Other than that, no problems.
1720 hours: Verbal argument mediated between two individuals leaving Jones Landing.
2150 hours: Traffic stop Island Ave.  Warning issued.
Monitored ferry traffic throughout day (very heavy).
Met ferry throughout the day as time permitted.
Patrolled Island throughout day.
-When riding your bike at night, make sure it is equipped with a forward and rear facing light.light
Officer Richardson  7/15/17

0700 shift change with Officer Connolly
Officer Taylor

0800 met ferry

0915 met ferry

1015 met ferry

1115 met ferry

1215 met ferry

1300  walk in dispute at the station
Civil issue

1415 met ferry
Officer Bomba

1515 met ferry

1630 met ferry

1735 met ferry

1915 met ferry

2015 met ferry

2115 met ferry

Officer Sibley

Report of disorderly group at table rock
Group had moved on before our arrival

2230 met ferry

2330 met ferry

0200 report of loud group with a fire on seashore ave

Group moved along and small fire extinguished.

A permit is needed for all open burning      

Date: July 13, 2017         Officer Connolly
0700 hours:  Shift change. Report to duty with Lt Wallace.
0715 hours: Vehicle maintenance and inspection.
0750 hours: Special attention to Welch St. lot.  
0900 hours: follow-up with abandoned boat on New Island Ave.
1000 hours: Contacted owner of boat, will try and get it removed in the next day or two.
1230 hours: Civil issue mediated on loading dock.  Computer log entry completed.
1430 hours: Officer Richardson second Officer.
1530 hours: Assisted fire department with Medical call at health center.  Party transported
2130 hours: Officer Shinay reported to duty.
2200 hours: Assisted Fire Department with medical call on back shore.  Party transported.
Met ferry throughout the day as time permitted.
Patrolled Island throughout day.
-Make sure to drink plenty of water, even on the cool summer days.