Friday, January 8, 2016


Ofc. Richardson (Day shift)

0700 shift change with Officer Lauterbach

Assist PWD with a lockout

0800 met ferry

Checked TEIA

0930 met ferry

1045 met ferry

1215 met ferry

1415 met ferry

1515 neighbor dispute on Welch St.

1530 met ferry

Shift change with Officer Rose

Small amounts of sand is available at the transfer station, to keep your walkways sanded






Date _­­01/07/2016        Shift _1 __    Officer _ ROSE             _______        




Daily Tasks/Public Relations/Maintenance/Miscellaneous


0700 SRT training

0730 House chores and vehicle inspections

Posted phase one of removing unwanted vehicles from the island on Nextdoor

Patrolled the island and met ferries throughout the day as duties permitted.


Safety Tip

The cold weather is here and with that comes the use of wood stoves. Please have your chimney and stove pipes inspected and cleaned yearly. Also remember that green or not quite seasoned wood will cause excess creosote to build up and possibly cause a fire.

Familiarize yourself with the proper way to close down your stove and call 911.

In addition to this there are products that will help extinguish such as Chemfex.

See the following video for more information.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

01/06/16   Ofc. Lauterbach

0700 - arrived on island.

0800 - met ferry.

0920 - patrolled island and met ferry.

1100 - met ferry.

1230 - met ferry and patrolled island.

1440 - met ferry and patrolled island.

1645 - met ferry.

1750 - met ferry.

1930 - met ferry and checked DPW property.

2130 - met ferry.

***Please remember to check in on older neighbors during the extreme cold weather.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

01/05/16   Ofc. Rose






Date _­­01/05/2016        Shift _1 __    Officer _ ROSE             _______        




Daily Tasks/Public Relations/Maintenance/Miscellaneous


0700 Reported for duty with Lt. FF Wallace

0730 House chores and vehicle inspections

Chimney Fire on Brackett Ave

Medical call on Island Ave

Finalized phase one of removing unwanted vehicles from the island

Domestic violence follow-up

Patrolled the island and met ferries throughout the day as duties permitted.



Safety Tip

The cold weather is here and with that comes the use of wood stoves. Please have your chimney and stove pipes inspected and cleaned yearly. Also remember that green or not quite seasoned wood will cause excess creosote to build up and possibly cause a fire.


Familiarize yourself with the proper way to close down your stove and call 911.

In addition to this there are products that will help extinguish such as Chemfex.
See the following video for more information.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

01/04/16   Ofc. Richardson

Shift change with Officer Connolly

0800 met ferry

0830 patrolled island with PFD

0930 met ferry

1045 met ferry

1200 assist Fire Dept with public service project

1415 met ferry

1515 met ferry

Checked TEIA

1630 met ferry

1735 met ferry

1915 met ferry

2015 met ferry

Checked DPW

2115 met ferry

2200 checked American Legion


Watch for snow and ice falling from roofs

Monday, January 4, 2016

01/03/16   Ofc. Connolly





 Date: January 3, 2016         Officer Connolly


0700 hours:  Shift change.  Reported for duty with FF Lt. Wallace

0730 hours: vehicle maintenance and inspection

0945 hours: met ferry

1010 hours: patrolled island

1030 hours: follow-up Central Ave.

1050 hours: special attention to Welch St. Lot

1100 hours: met ferry

1130 hours: patrolled island

1230 hours: met ferry

1250 hours: patrolled island

1430 hours: met ferry

1645 hours: met ferry

1700 hours: patrolled island

1930 hours: met ferry

2000 hours: patrolled island

2030 hours: met ferry

2130 hours: met ferry

-The most effective way to protect yourself and your home from fire is to identify and remove fire hazards. 60 percent of house fire deaths occur in homes with no working smoke alarms. During a home fire, working smoke alarms and a fire escape plan that has been practiced regularly can save lives.


Ofc. Richardson off, no blog
01/01/16   Ofc. Connolly





 Date: January 1st 2016         Officer Connolly


0700 hours:  Shift change.  Reported for duty with FF Lt. Wallace

0730 hours: vehicle maintenance and inspection

0745 hours: patrolled island

1000 hours: Individual came to police station (Domestic Violence follow-up)

1100 hours: met ferry

1130 hours: special attention to Welch St. parking lot

1230 hours: met ferry

1300 hours: patrolled island

1430 hours: met ferry

1530 hours: met ferry

1600 hours: special attention to Welch St. lot.  Numerous parking tickets were written for vehicles being left over 72 hours (covered in snow)

1645 hours: met ferry

1700 hours: patrolled island

1750 hours: met ferry

1930 hours: met ferry

2030 hours: met ferry

2130 hours: met ferry

-Please do not leave your car parked in the Welch St. lot for more than 72 hours.  Now that the winter months are upon us,  it's important that DPW can plow to ensure adequate parking spaces are kept.