Friday, March 16, 2012

Robert Lauterbach 3/15/2012

0700 - arrived on island and drove around perimeter of island.
0800 - picked up firefighter partner.
0845 - drove around island.
0945 - met ferry.
1020 - drove through Central Ave and met 1100 ferry.
1230 - met ferry.
1345 - assisted mental health liaison with a patient on Island Ave.
1530 - met ferry.
1630 - drove around island and met 1645 ferry.
1750 - met ferry.
1930 - met ferry and drove around perimeter of island. 
2030 - met ferry.
2105 - drove through TEIA property
2130 - met ferry.
2245 - met ferry.
2330 - drove through Lion's Club property.
0010 - checked community building.  Rooms secure, shut off lobby lights.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Peaks Island 03-14-2012 Officer O'Connor
0700- arrived on the island
0800-checked the ferry, fire side shift change
0900- took trespass report-peoples united bank
1000- checked the ferry, served paperwork 79 Island ave, followed up on a dog bite - 258 Pleasant ave.
1100- checked the ferry, patrolled
1200- checked the ferry, checked the community center
1300- patrolled
1400- checked the ferry, checked the welch st. parking lot
1500-checked the ferry, gave special attention to the school area
1600- checked the ferry, patrolled the back of the island
1700- checked the ferry, patrolled the center of the island
1800- patrolled
1900-checked the ferry, patrolled
2000- checked the ferry
2100- checked the ferry, chimny fire- 7 Luther st.
2200- checked the ferry
3-13-12 Officer Richardson
0700 shift change with c taylor
0800 shift change with pfd
(ff mullison)
0930 met ferry
1045 met ferry
1130 met with island ave resident complaining about local bank
1200 met with rep from local bank re threats from local resident
1215 met ferry
1415 met ferry
1500 patroled islan on the north end
1515 met ferry
1630 met ferry
1640 spoke with bank security personel re threats against bank employees
1735 met ferry
1800 checked lions club
1930 met ferry
2015 met ferry
2115 met ferry
2230 met ferry
2310 checked american legion
open but quiet and no issues
0130 transported central ave couple to the fireboat
0730 compleated report re threats spoke to bank security to coordinate witness statements

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

0700 shift change with c taylor
0800 shift change with pfd
(ff mullison)
0930 met ferry
spoke with several island resident about disturber individual off his medications
1000 patroled island, teia and lions club
1045 met ferry
1215 met ferry
1414 met ferry
1500 drove thru reed st area and prince ave.
1515 met ferry
1630 met ferry
spoke to elizabeth st resident about subject not taking his medications
1735 met ferry
1830 spoke to victim of a dog bite 3/8 gave her a witness statement to fill out
1915 met ferry
2015 met ferry
2115 met ferry
checked american legion.... open but no issues
Ofc. Rumery-Taylor 03/12/2012
0700-shift change w/Ofc Richardson
0745-met fire boat for Firefighter shift change
0800-met ferry/patrolled Island
0945-met ferry
1100-met ferry
1230-met ferry
1250-maintenance/cleaning @ station
1330-dog bite report 12-002030 and witness statement
1430-met ferry
1445-open door @ 106 New Island Ave-2nd floor balcony-no forced entry to house-blew open in the wind. Ladder from construction site borrowed-door secured.
1530-met ferry/patrolled Island
1645-met ferry
1750-met ferry & fire boat
1930-met ferry
2030-met ferry
2130-met ferry and patrolled Island
2250-met ferry and patrolled Island
There have been several incidents of dogs running loose in the last week. Unless you are in a designated dog park your dog must be on a leash. Please keep your dogs on a leash and with you at all times.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Peaks Island 03-08-2012 Officer O'Connor
0700-arrived on Island
0800- fire side shift change , met ferry, patrolled
0900-met ferry, patrolled, special attention to island ave @ epps St.. for dogs running loose
1000- met ferry, responded to 428 Island ave, for a dog bite aggressive dog complaint
1100-medical call 422 Island ave
1200- met ferry
1300- dogs running loose off leash, had owner bring them inside 79 Island ave
1400- met ferry, patrolled around the school
1500- met ferry, patrolled around central ave , center of island
1600- met ferry
1700- met ferry, checked  Lions club, community center
1800- met ferry, checked welch st lot
1900- met ferry,  patrolled
2000- met ferry, patrolled
2100- met ferry, patrolled, checked on the community center
2200- met ferry , patrolled

Robert Lauterbach 3/9/2012

0700 - arrived on island.
0800 - met ferry and picked up firefighter partner.
0820 - checked on patient from 11 Luther st.  Medcu 12 run beginning of the week.  Patient still in hospital.
0830 - drove around island. 
0930 - drove through Central Ave. and met ferry.
1100 - met ferry.
1130 - drove around perimeter of island.
1230 - met ferry.
1315 - drove through Brackett Ave.  
1430 - met ferry.
1455 - drove around island.
1530 - met ferry.  
1605 - drove through Central Ave.
1645 - met ferry.  
1730 - drove around island and met ferry.
1830 - drove through lions club.
1930 - met ferry.
2030 - met ferry.
2115 - drove around the new construction sites. 
2245 - met ferry.
2330 - checked community building and met last ferry.
0100 - drove around perimeter of island.
Ofc Rumery-Taylor 03/10/12
0700-shift change w/Ofc Lauterbach
0715-equipment inspection/maintenance
0800-shift change for firefighters-met the ferry
0830-maintenance of station-installing fixtures
0930-loose dog on Island Ave-located owner (off Island) and they had family and friends respond ASAP and capture escapee/dog
0945-met ferry/patrolled Island
1015-patrolled Island
1100-met ferry
1145-fueled cruiser
1155-spoke with officers in town re:Island resident with possible medical issue/needs. Evaluated and plan in place to assist Islander
1230-met ferry
1345-patrolled Island
1430-met ferry
1500-call for area of Central Ave near Ball field-fireworks or gun shots heard. Located adults in area-small fireworks had been set off-no fireworks left-neighbors satisfied.
1530-met ferry/patrolled Island
1645-met ferry
1750-met ferry-spoke with Islander w/medical issue/needs as others were concerned-no new issues-we will follow through with plan developed earlier
1930-met ferry
2030-met ferry/patrolled Island
2130-met ferry/patrolled Island
2245-met ferry
2345-met ferry/patrolled Island