Peaks Island 03-14-2012 Officer O'Connor
0700- arrived on the island
0800-checked the ferry, fire side shift change
0900- took trespass report-peoples united bank
1000- checked the ferry, served paperwork 79 Island ave, followed up on a dog bite - 258 Pleasant ave.
1100- checked the ferry, patrolled
1200- checked the ferry, checked the community center
1300- patrolled
1400- checked the ferry, checked the welch st. parking lot
1500-checked the ferry, gave special attention to the school area
1600- checked the ferry, patrolled the back of the island
1700- checked the ferry, patrolled the center of the island
1800- patrolled
1900-checked the ferry, patrolled
2000- checked the ferry
2100- checked the ferry, chimny fire- 7 Luther st.
2200- checked the ferry