Friday, January 9, 2015

01/08/2015  Ofc Rumery-Taylor
0700- shift change w/Ofc Richardson-PFD shift change
0710- 42A Epps St report of a fire alarm sounding-no heat in bldg for season-smoke detectors affected by cold-homeowner located&notified with help from neighbor
0745- vehicle maintenance-low air passenger front tire
0800- met ferry-patrolled Island
0945- met ferry
1100- met ferry-patrolled Island
1230- met ferry-patrolled Island
1430- met ferry-fueled cruiser
1505- Island resident stopped re:child custody situation-making us aware of situation
1530- met ferry-spoke very briefly with other 1/2 of child custody situation-they will call if they need us.
1645- met ferry-patrolled Island
1750- met ferry
1930- met ferry-patrolled Island
2030- met ferry-patrolled Island
2130- met ferry
2245- patrolled Island
0535- alarm at Portland Water District Bldg.(weather related severe winds) all secure

Remember to scrape the ice off your windshield and windows before hurrying to the boat-you'll be more likely to see your neighbor walking to the boat if your windows are clear.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

01/07/15   Ofc. Richardson

0700 shift change with Officer Taylor
0800 met ferry
0830 patrolled island with PFD
0930 met ferry
checked Lions Club
1000 parking complaint Island Ave, 1 ticket issued
1045 met ferry
assist PFD with carbon monoxide alarm
1215 met ferry
1515 met ferry
checked TEIA
1630 met ferry
1735 met ferry
1915 met ferry
2015 met ferry
2115 met ferry
2230 checked American Legion
When cleaning hot ashes out of a fireplace or woodstove, put he ashes in a covered metal container and immediately put them outside. If left inside they will continue to burn releasing toxic gases into your home.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

01/06/2015  Ofc Rumery-Taylor
0700- Shift change w/Ofc O'Connor-PFD shift change-patrolled Island
0800- met ferry-patrolled Island
0910- 242 Island Ave #2 mother called for check well being on her son-no one home & no neighbors home
0940- cruiser maint-dead battery (weather/equip related)-recharged battery
0945- met ferry-patrolled Island
1045- follow up on CWB call at 242 Island Ave
1100- met ferry
1225- Medcu 12 to 58 Elizabeth Rd transport to MMC
1425- cruiser maint-dead battery-recharged battery
1530- met ferry-patrolled Island
1645- met ferry-patrolled Island
1750- met ferry
1930- met ferry-patrolled Island
2030- met ferry-patrolled Island
2130- met ferry-patrolled Island
Remember in this extremely cold weather to limit your children's and pet's time outside. The wind chill factors can make it much worse. Frost bite can happen very quickly. Remember to check your pet's feet as well. The ice melting products put down on the roads and sidewalks can irritate and burn the pads of their feet.


Tuesday, January 6, 2015

01/05/2015   Ofc. Robert Lauterbach (Day and Early shift)
0700 - arrived on island.
0800 - met ferry.
0820 - Medcu 12 run to Elementary school for two patients.  Both treated at scene and released with out transport.
0845 - engine 12 run to 130 Central Ave. for faulty smoke detector. Service provided at scene.
1000 - patrolled island.
1105 - met with resident at station house about a lost/stolen cell phone.   
1230 - met ferry.
1415 - patrolled island and met 1430 ferry.
1530 - met ferry.
1645 - met ferry and patrolled Central Ave.
1750 - met ferry.
1920 - patrolled island and met 1930 ferry.
2030 - met ferry.
2130 - met ferry.


Monday, January 5, 2015

01-04-2015   Ofc. T. OConnor
0700-arrived on the island
0800-met the ferry, checked the Welch St. lot
0945-met the ferry, follow up on an abandoned golf cart on Island Ave.
1045-met the ferry, patrolled
1230-met the ferry, checked the area around the school
1430-met the ferry, Checked the Community Center
1530-met the ferry, patrolled
1750-met the ferry, checked the back side of the island
1945-met the ferry, patrolled
2030-met the ferry, checked the Lions Club
2130-met the ferry, patrolled
2245-met the ferry, checked the Community Center
Tip of the Day......with the cold weather...remember to take your pets inside

01/03/2015   Ofc. Robert Lauterbach
0700 - arrived on island.
0800 - met ferry.
0820 - patrolled island.
0945 - met ferry.
1100 - met ferry.
1215 - patrolled island and met 1230 ferry.
1430 - met ferry.
1530 - met ferry.
1610 - training with Engine 12.
1705 - responded to Seashore Ave. and Great Pond Rd. for a bonfire on beach.  Parties involved put it out as we stood by.
1900 - patrolled island and met 1930 ferry.
2030 - met ferry.
2115 - patrolled island and met 2130 ferry.

***Be careful shoveling and make sure to take breaks.***
01-02-2015   Ofc. T. OConnor
0700-arrived on the island
0800-met the ferry, checked the Welch St. lot
0945-met the ferry, checked the Community Center
1100-met the ferry, patrolled around the island
1230-met the ferry, checked the area around the school
1430-met the ferry, Medical call on Island Ave.
1530-met the ferry, patrolled
1645-met the ferry, checked the back side of the island
1750-met the ferry, patrolled
1930-met the ferry, patrolled
2030-met the ferry, checked the Lions Club
2130-met the ferry
2230-met the ferry, checked the Community Center, patrolled

Tip of the day....its flu season remember to stay hydrated, wash your hands often. 
01/01/2015   Ofc.Richardson

0700 shift change with Officer Taylor
0800 met ferry
patrolled island with PFD
Near the triangle we found a glove in the middle of the road, assuming it was from the man we saw walking his dog just a short way back I picked it up and low and behold it did belong to him (small victories)
0930 met ferry
1045 met ferry
1415 met ferry
patrolled island with PFD, while at the ferry landing we found 3 kids had walked to the boat with no shoes.  It was 22 degrees, we piled the kids in the backseat of the cruiser and drove the rocket scientists home.
1515 met ferry
1630 met ferry
1735 met ferry
1915 met ferry
2015 met ferry
2115 met ferry
2230 checked Lions Club
checked American Legion
Tip of the day: house numbers, house numbers, house numbers... enough said

12/31/2014  Ofc Ruemry-Taylor
0700- shift change w/Ofc O'Connor PFD shift change
0800- met ferry
0815- S/A check Welch St
0830- patrolled Island
0945- met ferry-patrolled Island
1100- met ferry
1200- fueled cruiser
1230- met ferry-patrolled Island
1430- met ferry-patrolled Island
1530- met ferry
1645- met ferry-patrolled Island
1750- met ferry
1930- met ferry-patrolled Island
2030- met ferry-patrolled Island-checked bars-scattered parties
2130- met ferry-patrolled Island-checked bars
2350- patrolled Island
0100- patrolled Island-met ferry
With the final arrival of cold weather remember to watch your footing. Don't fail to plan and try to run down hill to the boat last minute-we've seen several near catastrophic falls. If you should feel the need to run for the boat, please remember to pull your cart behind you rather than push it. Those small front wheels catch on rocks and cracks in the road and sidewalk. The forward momentum has thrown many an Islander up and over their cart in past years.

12-30-2014   Ofc. T. OConnor
0700-arrived on the island
0800-met the ferry, checked the Welch St. lot
0945-met the ferry, patrolled
1100-met the ferry, checked the area around the school
1230-met the ferry, checked the Community Center
1430-met the ferry, patrolled
1530-met the ferry, checked the area around DPW
1645-met the ferry, patrolled the back side of the island
1750-met the ferry, patrolled
1930-met the ferry, checked the Lions Club
2030-met the ferry, patrolled
2130-met the ferry, patrolled around the island
2245-met the ferry, checked the Community Center
Tip of the Day, Remember to drive safe!!!