Friday, June 12, 2015

06/11/15   Ofc. Richardson
0700 shift change with Officer T aylor
0800 met ferry
0830 Patrolled island with PFD
0930 met ferry
Checked TEIA
1045 met ferry
1215 met ferry
Patrolled island with PFD
1415 met ferry
Follow up at 89 Central Ave
1515 met ferry
Found a vehicle unattended in the public lot that not only had the keys in the ignition, but the vehicle was running
1630 met ferry
Patrolled island with PFD
1730 met ferry
1800 spoke to the owner of vehicle found running in the public lot.
1915 met ferry
Checked Lions Club
2015 met ferry
2115 met ferry
Checked DPW
2230 met ferry
2315 checked Lions Club
Checked American Legion
0015 hours domestic disturbance on Tolman Rd... 1 adult male placed under arrest and sent to the county jail

Please use a bike lock to secure your bicycles and your golf carts from being “borrowed”


Thursday, June 11, 2015

06/10/2015  Ofc. Rumery-Taylor

0700- shift change w/Ofc Rose-PFD shift change
0800- met ferry-patrolled Island
0930- met ferry
1015- patrolled Island
1100- met ferry
1112- assisted citizen who fell between taxi and curb-refused care-continued on their way
1230- met ferry-patrolled Island
1430- met ferry-patrolled Island-spoke w/Island resident re: locating another resident who had listed his residence as their new home.
1530- met ferry-patrolled Island
1615- Ladder 12 training
1645- met ferry-patrolled Island
1750- met ferry
1930- met ferry
2030- met ferry
2130- met ferry-patrolled Island

If you haven't already replaced the batteries in your smoke detectors and CO2 detectors please remember to do so. If you have guests/renters coming for the summer please remember to leave a list by the phone with the address listed. And above all else, please take time to properly number your house-If you have already done so and are tired of the repeated requests, could you show your neighbor a copy of this to inspire them to follow suit?

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

06/09/15   Ofc. Rose





Date __06  / 09 /2015         Shift _ 3__         Officer __Rose  __        


Daily Tasks/Public Relations/Maintenance/Miscellaneous

  1. 0700 Reported for duty with Fire Fighter Wallace
  2. 0700 House chores and equipment check
  3. 0730 Met ferry  
  4. 0800 Met Ferry
  5. 0945 Met Ferry and sent Police vehicle up town for repair
  6. 1100 Met Ferry
  7. 1315 Met Ferry
  8. 1430 Met Ferries
  9. 1535 Met Ferry
  10. 1700 Met Ferry
  11. 1800 Met Ferry
  12. 1800 volunteer fire meeting
  13. 1830 Greenwood Ave complaint of refrigerator door being left on an abandoned unit
  14. 2030 Met Ferry
  15. 2130 Met Ferry
  16. 2245 Met Ferry

Police Tip

If you place your refrigerator outside as waste or for pick-up disposal remember to take the doors off.  A small child could get inside to play or hide. 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

06/08/15   Ofc. Richardson
0700 shift change with Officer Rose
0800 met ferry
Checked TEIA
0930 met ferry
0950 altercation at Welch St and Island Ave.  Report taken
Assist FD with transport
1100 assist FD with medical call
1230 met ferry
1415 met ferry
1515 met ferry
1630 met ferry
1800 met ferry
1915 met ferry
Checked DPW
2015 met ferry
2115 met ferry
Checked Lions Club
2230 met ferry
Checked American Legion

If you want to send the police an anonymous tip you can text gotcha (portlands code)  to


Monday, June 8, 2015

06/07/15   Ofc. Rose




Date __06  / 07 /2015         Shift _ 3__         Officer __Rose  __        


Daily Tasks/Public Relations/Maintenance/Miscellaneous

  1. 0700 Reported for duty with Officer Behnke and Fire Fighter Wallace
  2. 0700 House chores and equipment check
  3. 0730 Met ferry  
  4. 0800 Met Ferry Cadet Riendeau reported for duty
  5. 0945 Met Ferry
  6. 1100 Met Ferry
  7. 1100-1800 Gave special attention to the front area, no problems reported.
  8. 1315 Met Ferry Officer Haley reported for duty
  9. 1430  Met Ferries
  10. 1535 Met Ferry
  11. 1700 Met Ferry
  12. 1800 Met Ferry
  13. 2030 Met Ferry
  14. 2045 Complaint of a speeding vehicle in the area of Epps St and Brackett St. GOA
  15. 2130 Met Ferry
  16. 2245 Met Ferry

Police Tip

If you need to report an emergency please call 911. If however you think it’s not an emergency call the non-emergency number for dispatch at  207-874-8575.

06/06/2015  Ofc. Robert Lauterbach

0700 - arrived on island with Officer Connolly.
0715 - patrolled island.
0800 - met ferry. 
0900 - cleaned Police vehicle. 
0945 - met ferry.
1045 - patrolled island and met 1100 ferry.
1230 - met ferry.
1400 - patrolled island and met 1430 ferry and picked up Officer Richardson.
1530 - met ferry.
1630 - patrolled island and met 1645 ferry.
1750 - met ferry.
1920 - patrolled island and met 1930 ferry.
2030 - met ferry.
2115 - patrolled back shore, spotted a couple having small campfire/cooking fire.  FD checked it out and it was determined to be within guidelines. 
2245 - met ferry and picked up Officer Taylor.
2315 - Checked Legion.  Small gathering.

***Remember to check with FD to obtain a fire/burn permit if planning on having a campfire/cooking fire.


06/05/2015 Ofc Rumery-Taylor

0700- shift change w/Ofc Lauterbach-PFD shift change
0800- met ferry- Cadet Riendeau arrived
0830- Notices placed on 5 Unregistered vehicles
0945- met ferry-patrolled Island
1030- Island @Willow-vehicle ticketed
1100- met ferry-had Medcu 12 respond for fall injury-transport to MMC
1215- assisted parent w/autistic child get to 1230 ferry
1230- met ferry
1410- patrolled Island
1430- met ferry-Ofc Haley arrived
1530- met ferry-Cadet Riendeau departed-patrolled Island
1645- met ferry
1725- patrolled Island
1750- met ferry
1930- met ferry-patrolled Island
2030- met ferry-patrolled Island
2130- met ferry
2245-met ferry-shift change-Ofc Shinay arrived-patrolled island
2345- met ferry

Please check the signs for parking. There have been several new signs placed down front for the car ferry line. Parking is evolving.