Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Peaks Island   7-23-2013    T. OConnor


0700- arrived on the island

0800- met the ferry, checked the Welch St. parking lot

0900- met the ferry, patrolled the back of the island

1000- met the ferry, checked the community center

1100- met the ferry, patrolled the bracket St. area

1200- met the ferry, patrolled

1400- met the ferry, patrolled the school area

1500- met the ferry, patrolled

1600- met the ferry, checked at Hannigans market for missing boaters from cushing island

1700- met the ferry, patrolled

1900- met the ferry, checked the community center

2000- met the ferry, patrolled

2100- met the ferry, passed along a notification to subject on Seashore ave

2200- met the ferry, patrolled

0700 shift change with officer taylor

0800 shift change with pfd

0915 met ferry spoke to pleasant ave resident about a property dispute (civil issue)

advised her to hire an attorney

1015 met ferry

1115 met ferry

medical call on central ave

1215 met ferry

1415 met ferry

1515 met ferry

1630 met ferry

tagged public lot

1735 met ferry

1915 met ferry

spoke to pleasant ave resident about same property dispute

2015 met ferry

2115 met ferry

dip warning on public dock

checked lions club

2230 met ferry

checked american legion


07/21/2013  Ofc Rumery-Taylor


0800- shift change w/Ofc Richardson

0840- PFD shift change

0930- met ferry-patrolled Island

1030- met ferry-patrolled Island

1130- met ferry-patrolled Island

1200- Medcu 12 call for backshore-slip and fall on rocks-no transport necessary

1230- met ferry-patrolled Island

1300- 36 Park Ave homeowner reports cutting/dumping on his property #13-6524

1430- met ferry-patrolled Island

1530- met ferry-patrolled Island

1645- met ferry-patrolled Island

1750- met ferry

1930- met ferry-recovery company doing repossession asked for keep the peace on Ledgewood Rd while they made contact to recover vehicle

2030- met ferry

2040- 845 Seashore 911 call for neighbor who had been assaulted-suspect located and arrested #13-6531


Spent the remainder of the night taking witness statements in between answering Medcu 12 call @414 Island Ave


"Reggae Sunday" was busy-but not disorderly. The security detail kept matters well in hand-no issues any of the times we visited the area.



7-20-13  Officer Richardson
0700 shift change with officer taylor

0800 shift change with pfd

0830 patrolled island with pfd

0915 met ferry

1015 met ferry

1115 met ferry

1215 met ferry

1415 met ferry

warned resident not to have passengers standing on the bumper of a golf cart driving down island ave... I was told by the passenger that I was rude to have mentioned it....

1515 met ferry

1630 met ferry

1735 met ferry

dip warning on island ave

1915 met ferry

checked dpw

2015 met ferry

2115 met ferry

broke up a small beach party and asked that they put out their fire .. after neighbors complaint

checked battery steele

2230 met ferry

checked lions club

2330 met ferry

checked american legion
Health Tip of the Week
Salmonella in Eggs:  An Unwelcome Summer Visitor
Eggs and summer go together: deviled eggs, homemade ice cream, and potato salad. But, just a few hours outside of the refrigerator and your eggs can create lasting memories that you'd rather forget. This summer, make sure that eggs carrying Salmonella don't come to your next outing.  Salmonella can contaminate more than poultry and eggs. It sneaks into many other foods—ground beef, pork, tomatoes, sprouts—even peanut butter. Here are six tips to make eggs and other foods safer to eat.
  1. Like other perishable foods, keep eggs refrigerated at or below 40° F (4° C) at all times. Buy eggs only from stores or other suppliers that keep them refrigerated.
  2. Discard cracked or dirty eggs.
  3. Do not keep eggs or other foods warm or at room temperature for more than two hours.
  4. Refrigerate unused or leftover foods promptly.
  5. Avoid restaurant dishes made with raw or lightly cooked unpasteurized eggs. Although restaurants should use pasteurized eggs in any recipe containing raw or lightly cooked eggs --such as Hollandaise sauce or Caesar salad dressing—ask to be sure.
  6. Consider buying and using shell eggs and egg products that are pasteurized. These are available for purchase from certain stores and suppliers.
Source:  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

07/19/2013  Ofc Rumery-Taylor


0700- shift change w/Ofc Lauterbach

0800- met ferry-PFD shift change

0830- patrolled Island

0920- 911 open cell phone line-accidental-unable to locate

0930- met ferry-patrolled Island

1030- met ferry-patrolled Island

1120- Criminal mischief report 13-6441-car mirror broken

1144- watched ferry depart

1230- met ferry-Patrolled Island

1246- Medcu 12 call--no transport--delay in arrival due to no address and only general vicinity given on 911 call

1430- met ferry-patrolled Island

1530- met ferry-patrolled Island

1645- met ferry-patrolled Island

1750- met ferry

1830- complaint of firecrackers being set off at Elementary school-teens found on Island Ave-no firecrackers with them-headed off Island

1930- met ferry-patrolled Island

2000- looked for lost dog on Prince Ave

2030- met ferry-patrolled Island

2130- met ferry-patrolled Island

2245- met ferry-patrolled Island

2345- met ferry-patrolled Island-looked for missing bike-bmx w/red rim & pink tire

0345- 29 Greenwood 1039 persons in yard and on street-young man from off Island located New Island & Greenwood-Water taxi option was tried-NO water taxis available

Robert Lauterbach 7/18/2013


0700 - arrived on island.

0800 - met ferry and picked up firefighter partner.

0820 - patrolled back shore of island.

0930 - met ferry.

1020 - drove through Brackett Ave. and met 1030 ferry.

1130 - met ferry.

1220 - engine 12 training.

1420 - down tree at 800 area of Seashore Ave.  Tree was low and sitting on CMP wires.

1620 - CMP cleared the tree from the wires.

1730 - spoke with resident about a past domestic report. 

1930 - met ferry.

2015 - drove through Central Ave. and met 2030 ferry.

2130 - met ferry.

2245 - met ferry.

2330 - checked DPW property.

Peaks Island    7-17-2013    T. OConnor


0700- arrived on the isand

0800- met the ferry, fireside shift change

0900- met the ferry, checked the Welch st. parking lot

1000- met the ferry, patrolled around the island

1100- met the ferry, assited filling the community garden tank

1200- met the ferry, patrolled

1400- met the ferry, parking issue on island ave.

1500- met the ferry, patrolled the Bracket st. area

1600 -met the ferry, report of disabled boat off shore..back side of the island

1700- met the ferry, patrolled, checked the community center

1800- met the ferry, patrolled

1900- met the ferry, checked the lions club

2000- met the ferry, patrolled

2100- met the ferry, patrolled

2200- met the ferry, checked the community center

Robert Lauterbach 7/16/2013


0700 - arrived on island.

0800 - met ferry and picked up firefighter partner.

0820 - patrolled back shore of island.

0930 - met ferry.

1020 - drove through Central Ave. and met 1030 ferry.

1130 - met ferry.

1215 - drove through Brackett Ave. and met 1230 ferry.

1315 - responded to 20 Island Ave. for an 8 year old who rode his bike into the wall of the restaurant.  Treated at scene and released to his mother.

1430 - met ferry.

1530 - met ferry.

1600 - drove through Brackett Ave. and met 1645 ferry.

1750 - met ferry.

1910 - patrolled back shore and met 1930 ferry.

2030 - met ferry.

2115 - checked DPW property and met 2130 ferry.

2245 - met ferry.

2340 - checked Davey's cove.

0330 - medcu 12 run 39 Alderbrook Rd. for a diabetic issue.  Treated at scene and released.