Date: November 21, 2017 Officer Connolly
0700 hours: Shift change. Report to duty with Lt Wallace
0715 hours: Vehicle maintenance and inspection.
0730 hours: Special attention to Welch St. lot.
0800 hours: Approached by individual who wanted us to know that one of the golf carts parked in the Welch St. lot has a dead battery. They will have it fixed for the weekend.
1030 hours: Assisted code enforcement with inspections.
1130 hours: Special attention to Battery Steele.
1400 hours: Special attention to back shore.
1500 hours: Special attention to Welch St. lot.
2100 hours: Special attention to back shore.
Met ferry throughout the day as time permitted.
Patrolled Island throughout day.
-Make sure everyone in the family has sat down and gone over in detail an escape plan in case of a fire.