Friday, June 5, 2015

06/04/2015   Ofc. Robert Lauterbach

0700 - arrived on island.
0715 - patrolled island.
0800 - met ferry.
0945 - met ferry.
1040 - traffic detail Brackett Ave.  6 vehicles passed in twenty minutes.  Fastest speed was 18 MPH.
1055 - during detail, I assisted a resident in locating their dog.
1155 - patrolled island and met 1230 ferry.
1410 - spoke with a resident about a theft that occurred in her residence.  She stated she'd come in and supply a statement later on.
1530 - met ferry.
1630 - patrolled island and met ferry.
1830 - attended PIC meeting next door.
2030 - met ferry.
2130 - met ferry.

***Quick reminder that dogs in public must always be on leash***




Thursday, June 4, 2015

06/03/2015  Ofc Rumery-Taylor

0700- shift change w/Ofc Richardson-PFD shift change
0800- met ferry-patrolled Island
0830- bldg/equip maint
0945- met ferry
1100- met ferry-assisted Islander locate lost handicapped placard-patrolled Island
1230- met ferry-patrolled Island
1430- met ferry-fueled cruiser
1530- met ferry-patrolled Island
1645- met ferry-@ 1659 stopped Dartmouth College Business School grads attempting to carry/drink beer from Jones' Landing to Ferry-beer was not from Jones' they brown bagged it from the mainland to the party and then tried to take it from party back to ferry
1750- met ferry-patrolled Island
1900- Attended meeting at Community Center
2015- patrolled Island
2030- met ferry
2130- met ferry-patrolled Island

Remember to plan ahead and get in line if you are taking your car off Island. The car lines have been getting longer every day. There are large numbers of people on the boats as well. Please plan accordingly. There were very large numbers of people left on the dock during the Memorial Day crowds.


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

06/02/15   Ofc. Richardson

0700 shift change with Officer Rose
0800 met ferry 
0810 checked Lions Club
0815 patrolled island with PFD
0830 checked TEIA
0930 met ferry
1000 traffic stop on Bracket Ave, Summons issued for no registration, no insurance
1115 met ferry
1215 met ferry
1415 met ferry
1515 met ferry
1540 patrolled island with PFD
1745 met ferry
1915 met ferry
2015 met ferry
2115 met ferry
2230 met ferry
Checked Lions Club
Checked American Legion

Premium parking spaces are now up for sale, parking in the ferry line is a bargain at $30, crosswalks and fire hydrants are a little more but worth the $35 price tag, handicapped spaces are a great investment at $200

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

06/01/15   Ofc. Rose





Date __06  / 01 /2015         Shift _ 3__         Officer __Rose  __        


Daily Tasks/Public Relations/Maintenance/Miscellaneous

  1. 0700 Reported for duty with Fire Fighter Wallace
  2. 0700 House chores and equipment check
  3. 0730 Met ferry  
  4. 0800 Met Ferry
  5. 0900 Located the owner of a found/lost wallet
  6. 0945 Met Ferry
  7. 1100 Met Ferry
  8. 1115 Completed the 2015 Spring EMS Protocols
  9. 1315 Met Ferry
  10. 1430  Met Ferries
  11. 1535 Met Ferry
  12. 1700 Met Ferry
  13. 1800 Vehicle repair
  14. 2030 Met Ferry
  15. 2130 Met Ferry

Police Tip

Please do not drive below the turnaround while the ferry is in dock or about to dock. Wait for the ferry to leave before picking up freight or passengers.


Monday, June 1, 2015

05/31/15   Ofc. Richardson

0700 shift change with Officer Rose
0800 met ferry
Police Cadet starts her shift
0930 met ferry
checked TEIA
1045 met ferry
1215 met ferry
1415 met ferry
1515 met ferry
Police Cadet shift ends
1630 met ferry
spoke to day tripper about a lost cellphone
1735 met ferry
1930 radar detail on Brackett Ave.  Stayed until 2040 hours,fastest vehicle 21 mph
checked DPW
2040 met ferry
2115 met ferry
2230 checked American Legion
checked Lions Club
Please remember to clean up after your dog..
05/30/15   Ofc. Rose





Date __05  / 30 /2015         Shift _ 3__         Officer __Rose  __        


Daily Tasks/Public Relations/Maintenance/Miscellaneous

  1. 0700 Reported for duty with overtime Officer Hawley and Fire Fighter Wallace
  2. 0700 House chores and equipment check
  3. 0730 Met ferry  
  4. 0800 Police Cadet Raven Riendeau reported for duty
  5. 0845 Met Ferry with Cadet Riendeau
  6. 0945 Met Ferry
  7. 1100 Met Ferry
  8. 1115 Keep the peace call on Luther St
  9. 1315 Met Ferry
  10. 1430  Met Ferries
  11. 1445 1545 Met Ferry. Officer O’Connor reported for duty.
  12. Cadet Reindeau completed her shift on the island. She did an excellent job directing people and explaining laws
  13. 1600 Returned a found phone to its owner
  14. 1700 Met Ferry
  15. 1800 Vehicle repair
  16. 2030 Met Ferry
  17. 2100 City point with the fire department for a beach fire
  18. 2130 Met Ferry
  19. 2200 Noise complaint about  the INN
  20. 2245 Officer Connolly reported for duty
Please stop in or call the station for fire permits.


05/29/2015   Ofc. Robert Lauterbach

0700 - arrived on island.
0800 - met ferry.
0820 - met our new cadet.
0945 - met ferry.
1020 - medcu 12 run to 59 Winding Way.  Patient transported to fireboat without issue.
1230 - met ferry.
1315 - patrolled island with cadet. 
1430 - met ferry and picked up overtime officer.
1530 - met ferry.
1630 - patrolled island and met 1645 ferry.
1750 - met ferry.
1920 - patrolled Central Ave. and met 1930 ferry.
2030 - met ferry.
2055 - stopped a golf cart by Battery Steele, appeared to be operated by young operator.  Operator was found to have a valid drivers license.
2130 - met ferry.
2215 - patrolled island and met ferry.
2300 - responded to area of 354 Seashore Ave. for fireworks.  Drove through area twice, very quiet.
2330 - checked Legion, quiet.

*** Reminder that all vehicles must have insurance ***