Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Officer Richardson  09/30
0700 shift change with officer smith

0800 shift change with pfd

0830 patrolled island with pfd

0930 met ferry

1045 met ferry

1215 met ferry

1415 met ferry

1515 met ferry

patrolled island with pfd

1630 met ferry

1735 met ferry

checked teia

1915 met ferry

found vehicle with car door open on island ave

car didn't appear to have been gone through

2015 met ferry

checked lions club

2115 met ferry

checked battery steele

gave $.50 tour to a stranded couple who ended up on peaks by mistake

2230 met ferry

checked american legion


cold weather is coming, please check your cars tires and battery!!
Officer Richardson  09/29
0800 shift change with officer Lauterbach

patrolled island with pfd

0900 report of loose horses in the school playground

animals were located back on their property and were secured by the owners

0930 met ferry

1000 met with fire dept officers involved with upcoming transfers

1215 met ferry

1300 city point rd resident warned about auto registration

Officer Connolly

Peaks early out

1430: shift change

1445: patrolled island

1530: met ferry

1545: patrolled island

1645: met ferry

1700: patrolled island

1900: assisted fire department with medical call

1930: met ferry

1945: patrolled island

2245 shift change

Robert Lauterbach 9/28/2013


0700 - arrived on island.

0800 - met ferry and picked up firefighter partner.

0820 - patrolled back shore of island.

0945 - met ferry and met subject who wanted assistance retrieving his possessions from his brothers residence on Central Ave.

1045 - summons issued on Island Ave. for hydrant parking.

1100 - met ferry.

1215 - drove through Brackett Ave. and met 1230 ferry.

1430 - met ferry.

1530 - met ferry.

1620 - drove through Central Ave. and met 1645 ferry.

1750 - met ferry.

1920 - responded to Central Ave for medcu 12 run. Patient transported to fireboat with out incident.

2130 - met ferry.

2245 - met ferry.

2315 - checked DPW property.

****Quick reminder****please make sure you do not leave your keys in your vehicle's ignition.

Peaks Island    9-27-2013    T OConnor

0700- arrived on the island

0800- met the ferry, fireside shift change

0900-met the ferry, checked the Welch St.. parking lot

1000- met the ferry, patrolled the back of the island

1100- met the ferry, patrolled around DPW

1200- met the ferry, checked the community center

1400- met the ferry checked on a report of a loose dog on island ave

1500- met the ferry, patrolled

1600- met the ferry, gave Special attention to the 5th Maine

1700- met the ferry

1800- met the ferry, patrolled the school area

1900- met the ferry, investigated a call for the smell of gas Elizabeth St..

2000- met the ferry, patrolled

2100- met the ferry, report of fireworks the bottom of Welch St..

2200- met the ferry, patrolled, checked the community center



 Health tip...Don't forget to get your flu shots this year