Friday, February 13, 2015

02/12/2015   Ofc. Robert Lauterbach 
0700 - arrived on island.
0800 - met ferry.
0940 - engine 12 run with call department to 88 Welch St. for chimney fire.
1100 - met ferry and patrolled island.
1220 - responded back to 88 Welch St. for a chimney fire.
1500 - cleared 88 Welch St.
1645 - met ferry.
1750 - met ferry.
1900 - patrolled island and met 1930 ferry.
2030 - checked DPW property.
2130 - met ferry.

***Remember to get your chimney cleaned every year.***

Thursday, February 12, 2015

02-11-2015   Ofc. T. OConnor
0700-arrived on the island
0800-met the ferry, checked the Welch St. lot
0945-met the ferry, checked the Community Center
1100-met the ferry, checked the area around the school
1230-met the ferry, patrolled the back side of the island
1430-met the ferry, patrolled around the island
1550-met the ferry, patrolled
1645-met the ferry, patrolled
1750-met the ferry, patrolled
1930-met the ferry, checked the Lions Club
2030-met the ferry, patrolled
2130-met the ferry , checked on a broken down vehicle Lawn Ave.
2230-met the ferry, patrolled

Tip of the day......please do not park your vehicles on streets that have been thinned due to snow accumulation. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

02/10/2015   Ofc. Richardson

0700 shift change with Officer Taylor
0800 met ferry
0830 patrolled island with PFD
0930 shoveled and plowed fire hydrants
1000 met ferry
1015 shoveled and plowed fire hydrants
1630 met ferry
1730 met ferry
1800 training class with PFD
2015 met ferry
2115 met ferry
2230 checked American Legion
checked DPW
snow banks are high.. roads and sidewalks are slippery, please slow down to avoid accidents

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

02/09/2015  Ofc Rumery-Taylor
0700- shift change w/Ofc Richardson-PFD shift change-0712 Islander requested a ride back to their home to grab purse and keys (taxi not available)-made the boat--barely
0800- Bldg/equip maintenance
0945- met ferry-patrolled Island
1100- met ferry-patrolled Island
1230- met ferry
1430- met ferry-patrolled Island
1530- met ferry
1645- met ferry-patrolled Island
1750- met ferry-along with Jay Soule assisted motorist stuck in the snow
1930- met ferry-patrolled Island
2000- spoke with a few car owners reminding them of the parking ban-spoke with the owner of broken down car in front of 258 Pleasant Ave-owner states she will be contacting the Kamp brothers to make arrangements to have it towed off Island for repairs.
2030- met ferry-patrolled Island
2130- met ferry-patrolled Island
2210- snow ban ticketing- one on Island Ave & one on New Island Ave
Tunnels made in the snow banks next to the Library/Community Center were discovered. The risk of that heavy snow collapsing on a child is not acceptable. Public Works notified and removed the tunnels.
From the Health Center:
               Please Note:  The Peaks Island Health Center will be CLOSED this coming Thursday,

                               February 12, 2015.    We will resume the regular schedule on Monday.
(A reminder…When the Health Center is closed, the providers at Portland Family Medicine (874-2466) may be contacted for medical care.)  

Monday, February 9, 2015

02/08/15   Ofc. Richardson

0700 shift change with Officer Taylor
0800 met ferry
0830 patrolled island with PFD
Hazmat class with island volunteers
1045 met ferry
1215 met ferry
1415 met ferry
1515 met ferry
1700 met ferry
1800 met ferry
1915 met ferry
checked DPW
2015 met ferry
2115 met ferry
2200 checked American Legion
Heavier cars tend to drive better in poor weather than lighter cars.  If you can't add extra weight to your car, at a minimum keep your fuel tank full.
02/07/2015  Ofc Rumery-Taylor
0700- shift change w/Ofc Lauterbach-PFD shift change
0715- Welch St lot Handicapped violation ticketed
0800- met ferry
0815- Island Ave Emergency no parking ticketed
0830- Hydrants shoveled-Island resident stopped to volunteer with hydrant shoveling
0945- met ferry-patrolled Island
1100- met ferry-patrolled Island
1230- met ferry
1430- met ferry-left to go find Subaru stuck in the snow on Seashore Ave-Travers Tuttle responded and helped get his neighbor's car free
1530- met ferry
1645- met ferry-patrolled Island
1750- met ferry
1930- met ferry
2030- met ferry-patrolled Island
2130- met ferry-patrolled Island
2245- met ferry
2300- checked bar/patrolled Island

Another storm will be bringing more snow our way-remember to get your vehicles off the streets-parking bans apply to the Island.
2/6/2015   Ofc. Robert Lauterbach
0700 - arrived on island.
0800 - met ferry.
0810 - Medcu 12 run to Island/Welch for a person who fell.  Individual made into the cafe.  Possible knee injury.  Transported to fireboat with out incident.  Report taken.
0930 - out shoveling hydrants until 1230.
1415 - patrol island and met 1430 ferry.
1530 - met ferry.
1645 - met ferry.
1750 - met ferry and patrolled island.
1930 - met ferry.
2015 - checked DPW property and met 2030 ferry.
2130 - met ferry.

***Please remember that Welch St. lot has 72 hr. limit.***