Monday, February 9, 2015

2/6/2015   Ofc. Robert Lauterbach
0700 - arrived on island.
0800 - met ferry.
0810 - Medcu 12 run to Island/Welch for a person who fell.  Individual made into the cafe.  Possible knee injury.  Transported to fireboat with out incident.  Report taken.
0930 - out shoveling hydrants until 1230.
1415 - patrol island and met 1430 ferry.
1530 - met ferry.
1645 - met ferry.
1750 - met ferry and patrolled island.
1930 - met ferry.
2015 - checked DPW property and met 2030 ferry.
2130 - met ferry.

***Please remember that Welch St. lot has 72 hr. limit.***