Thursday, August 15, 2013

08/14/2013  Ofc Rumery-Taylor


0700- shift change w/Ofc Richardson

0800- met ferry-PFD shift change-patrolled Island

0930- met ferry-patrolled Island

1000- Ladder 12 training
1020- Welch St-American Legion accidental alarm trip-proper reps notified

1030- met ferry

1130- met ferry-patrolled Island-parking ticket on unattended vehicle in ferry line

1230- met ferry

1300- patrolled Island

1430- met ferry-patrolled Island

1530- met ferry

1645- met ferry-spoke w/Islander re: her concern about accident vehicle parked on Sterling St-owner has already made arrangements to remove vehicle asap-waiting on title for car to be hauled away

1750- met ferry

1930- met ferry-patrolled Island

2030- met ferry-patrolled Island

2130- met ferry-patrolled Island

2245- met ferry

2300- patrolled Island


8-12-13 Officer Ricardson

2245 shift change with officer benneke

2315 group of subjects walking towards the last ferry making a lot of noise generated several complanits from island residents

2330 met ferry

checked lions club

checked battery steele.. deserted but evidence of a gathering earlier in the evening

checked american legion


0700 met ferry

0800 shift change with pfd

0830 patrolled island with pfd

0915 met ferry

1015 met ferry

1115 met ferry

1215 met ferry

1415 met ferry

1515 met ferry

shoplifting complaint at 76 island ave

suspect summonsed to court

1630 met ferry

1735 met ferry

1830 animal complaint on tolman rd

(no violation)

man with shoulder injury walked into the station.. transported via the fireboat

2015 met ferry

checked teia

2115 met ferry

2230 met ferry

2300 met ferry


Robert Lauterbach 8/9/2013


0700 - arrived on island.

0800 - met ferry.

0820 - patrolled back shore of island.

0930 - met ferry.

1020 - drove through Central Ave. and met 1030 ferry.

1130 - met ferry.

1230 - met ferry.

1410 - drove around perimeter of island and met 1430 ferry and picked up back up officer.

1530 - met ferry.

1630 - report taken for a stolen motor vehicle. Victim works on Peaks, incident occurred on mainland.

1910 - drove around island and met 1930 ferry.

2030 - met ferry.

2130 - met ferry and checked Davey's cove.

2230 - checked DPW property and met 2245 ferry.

Sunday 08/11/13  Officer Connolly


2245 met Ferry

2300 noise complaint at basketball hoops (Peaks Island School).  Patrolled area, people left prior to arrival.

2320 patrolled island

2345 met Ferry

0000 patrolled island


Monday 08/12/13


0745 hours patrolled island

0800 met Ferry/fire fighter shift change

0815 patrolled island

0930 met ferry

0950 met with resident of Seashore.  States that kids might be getting into her house through basement.  Nothing stolen, would like special attention.

1000 patrolled island

1030 met ferry

1045 patrolled island

1130 met ferry

1150 Patrolled island

1230 met ferry

1245 patrolled island

1300 citizen turned in found property

1430 ferry/shift change