07/16/16 Ofc. Richardson
0700 Officer Hawley on duty
0800 met boat
0810 lost item purse turned in, victim located and item returned
0900 filled Island Police Vehicle
0910 report of black suburban leaking fluid (turned over to PFD)
0930 met boat
1030 met boat
1130 met boat
1230 met boat
1320 report of harassment through facebook, case #1750 statement taken, supplement done
1430 shift change with Officer Hawley
1515 met ferry
1630 met ferry
Assist out of state visitors with family emergency
Lost cell phone turned into police
Cell phone reunited with owner
1735 met ferry
1915 met ferry
2015 assist FD with small fire on Picnic Point.
Assist FD with small fir on Seashore ave
Assist FD with two small fires on Centennial beach
2100 traffic stop on Seashore Ave. passenger on outside of golf cart.
2115 met ferry
Shift change with Officer taylor
Officer Sibley on duty
2230 met ferry
0600 assist FD with medical call
Please remember to stay with your car at the ferry line.