Monday, January 18, 2016

01/15/16   Ofc. Rose






Date _­­01/15/2016        Shift _1 __    Officer _ ROSE             _______        




Daily Tasks/Public Relations/Maintenance/Miscellaneous


0700 Reported for duty with FF Lt Wallace

0730 House chores and vehicle inspections

Contacted or left messages with 8 residents interested it the vehicle removal program

Responded to the School for a teenager outside with a wood gun and binoculars. He was located and dealt with. Charges may follow.

Assisted a citizen with a lockout

Patrolled the island and met ferries throughout the day as duties permitted.



Safety Tip

The cold weather is here and with that comes the use of wood stoves. Please have your chimney and stove pipes inspected and cleaned yearly. Also remember that green or not quite seasoned wood will cause excess creosote to build up and possibly cause a fire.


Familiarize yourself with the proper way to close down your stove and call 911.

In addition to this there are products that will help extinguish such as Chemfex.

See the following video for more information.