Friday, November 1, 2013

10/31/2013  Ofc Rumery-Taylor


0700- shift change w/Ofc Lauterbach

0800- met ferry-PFD shift change

0900- bldg-vehicle maint

0945- met ferry

1030-DPW for Tank 12 & vehicle part

1055- Inn on Peaks w/Tank 12 for ongoing fire alarm issue

1100- met ferry

1130- patrolled Island

1230-met ferry-picked up FF Wallace @ DPW

1430- met ferry-picked up Ofc Stratis

1510- 146 Ledgewood St keep the peace w/custody issue

1645- met ferry-patrolled Island

1750- met ferry-handed out glow stick bracelets

1830- patrolled Island

1930- met ferry-patrolled Island

2030- met ferry-patrolled Island

2130- met ferry-patrolled Island

2245- met ferry-dropped off Ofc Stratis


Handed out glow stick bracelets during the afternoon and early evening


Health Tip of the Week
Fruits and Vegetables
"Eat your fruits and vegetables." You've likely heard this statement since childhood. Research shows why it is good advice:
  • Healthy diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.
  • Fruits and vegetables also provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substances that are important for good health.
  • Most fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat and calories and are filling.
Not sure how many fruits and vegetables you should be eating each day? 
Check out the link to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and see what you need.