07-31-13 Officer Richardson
0700 met ferry
0800 shift change with pfd
patrolled island with pfd
0930 met ferry
1015 met ferry
warned central ave resident about auto registration
1115 met ferry
assist fire dept with medical run
1215 met ferry
1414 met ferry
07/31/2013 Ofc Rumery-Taylor
1430- shift change w/Ofc Richardson
1530- met ferry-Medcu 12 call for sprained ankle
1645- met ferry
1750- met ferry-patrolled Island
1830- supplies from fireboat-restock medical supplies
1930- met ferry-patrolled Island
2030- met ferry-patrolled Island
2130- met ferry-patrolled Island
2245- met ferry-patrolled Island
2345- met ferry
We have responded to several calls for "bonfires" lately. Many of those
calls have been cooking fires. The rules regarding open burning for the City of
Portland are strict. You cannot have an open fire within the City of
Portland-but you may have a small cooking fire -within an 3' enclosed circle and
no higher than 2'. You need to have a water source when you have a cooking fire
and you MUST extinguish the fire before you leave the area. A 5 gallon bucket is
ideal for this if you do not have a charged garden hose. Please be aware of the
area where you may choose to have your cooking fire-there are several homes on
back shore that have become the victim of smoke from these fires regardless of
their size-even a small fire can make it unbearable on a warm summer night when
they open up their windows to catch a breeze and fill up with smoke.