Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Robert Lauterbach 08/30/2012

0700 - arrived on island.

0800 - met ferry and picked up firefighter partner.

0820 - drove around perimeter of island.

0920 - dropped off firefighter partner at dock.

0930 - met ferry.

1025 - theft report taken from Baptist Church apartment.

1115 - picked up firefighter partner from dock.

1130 - met ferry.

1230 - spoke with witness of theft from Baptist Church.

1315 - drove around perimeter of island.

1430 - met ferry and swapped out police cruisers for repairs.

1520 - drove around island and met 1530 ferry.

1630 - drove through Central Ave. and met 1645 ferry.

1740 - met with a resident that had a complaint about a vehicle blocking his driveway.

1920 - medcu 12 run to Ledgewood st. - Transported patient to fire boat.

2030 - met ferry.

2100 - drove through Brackett Ave.

2130 - met ferry.

2230 - drove through DPW property and met 2245 ferry.

2345 - met ferry.

Health Tip of the Week
Mistakes Happen
Preventable medical errors cause more deaths than car accidents, breast cancer or AIDS. Your doctor has hundreds of patients and may not remember your health history. Speak up about drug allergies, other medications you are taking, treatment concerns you have, or questions you want answered.
Source: Maine Health Management Coalition