Sunday July 14, 2019
Officer Connolly (Fitzgerald/Fritz)
0700 hours: Shift change
0800 hours: Met ferry/cadet reported to duty
0840 hours: Patrolled backshore on Gator
1300 hours: Warning (drinking in public/Welch St.)
1330 hours: bar check/Jones Landing
1430 hours: lost wallet turned in
1510 hours: Warning drinking in public (back shore)
1410 hours: Medical call on Island Ave.
1620 hours: Served Criminal trespass paperwork to individual for Jones Landing. Individual was uncooperative with staff.
1640 hours: Warning drinking in public (back shore)
*Jones Landing was well attended. No problems with crowd or with Ferry loading*
2230 hours: Call of a domestic altercation on Elizabeth (wrong location/ ended up being Elizabeth in town)
0500 hours: Medical call with transport