Friday, July 6, 2018


Date 07/05/2018       Shift __            Officer _ Rumery Taylor/ Lt Wallace         _______        

Daily Tasks/Public Relations/Maintenance/Miscellaneous

0700-  shift change w/Ofc Richardson & Capt Thomson
0800-  met the ferry-patrolled Island-had diaper bag turned in-eventually returned to owner
0830-  lost dog located at Seashore and Ocean Spray listed on Nextdoor and rode around w/dog until owner located later in the day on Prince St searching for his missing dog
0930-  met ferry-patrolled Island
1015-  fueled cruiser, met ferry and patrolled Island
1130-  met ferry-patrolled Island
1210-  60 Torrington Point for found dog-dog had tags with name and number reunited with owner
1230-  met ferry-patrolled island-checked Battery Steele for July 4th fire remnants-stopped at ice cream shop for enormous ice cream (pre-emptive heat stroke measures)
1330-  met ferry
1430-  met ferry-patrolled Island
1530-  met ferry-met fire boat picked up office supplies-worked with IT to get computer back online
1645-  met ferry-patrolled Island
1755-  met ferry-patrolled Island
1930-  met ferry
​-80 New Island Ave fire permit check​
​Medcu 12 call 50 Island Ave
2110-Medcu 12 call 2 City Point Rd
2150-  Picnic Point complaint of fireworks in the area-coming from House Island
​Met ferry-patrolled Island
0155- Alarm at American Legion-employee error

Tip of the day:  Put your contact information on a tag for your dog, so that if it escapes you can be located. We regularly seem to be finding dogs who get out screen doors, windows and fenced yards. We spend quite a bit of time trying to locate the owners. We do not have a holding facility here on Peaks, if we can’t locate you, the next logical step is the Animal Refuge League in Westbrook.