Thursday, October 5, 2017


Date: October 4, 2017         Officer Connolly
0700 hours:  Shift change. Report to duty with Lt Wallace.
0715 hours: Vehicle maintenance and inspection.
0745 hours: Special attention to Welch St. lot.  
1000 hours: Special Attention to Battery Steele
1230 hours: Casualty report New Island Ave. (Person fell off bike/possible vehicle ran person off road)
1800 hours: Assisted with serving civil paperwork
2115 hours: Report of tree down on Brackett Ave.  Tree too big to move. Will notify DPW in morning.
Met ferry throughout the day as time permitted.
Patrolled Island throughout day.
-Please don't have your horses roaming the ball-field as it is against city ordinance.  Recently horses have been grazing at the ball-field.  Kids should not have to play soccer or baseball around horse waste nor should  DPW have to pick it up.