Monday, September 12, 2016

Date _09/09/2016 Shift _1 __ Officer _ ROSE _______

Daily Tasks/Public Relations/Maintenance/Miscellaneous

0700 Reported for duty

Monitored traffic on Island Ave, normal traffic

Monitored traffic at the ferry line

Reported camp fire on Seashore Ave, Fire department deemed a cooking fire

Responded to the school for a complaint of skateboarders, asked to leave because it was after

hours. They were not causing any problems.

Responded to the Legion for reported golf cart theft, located no crime involved.

Met the Ferry throughout the day as time permitted.

Gave SA to Central Ave


I will be starting another round of towing unwanted vehicles off the island. I only have 4 spots left, if

you have one or know of someone that wants it removed for free please contact me for details.