05/23/15 Ofc. Richardson
0700 shift change with Officer Rose
2nd Officer Hawley
0800 met ferry
Met new police cadet
0930 met ferry
0945 met ferry, parking complaint on Island Ave , ticket issued
1215 met ferry
1415 met ferry
1515 met ferry
shift change with PD Officer Letarte on duty
End of shift for cadet
1630 met ferry, complaint of abandoned car on Pleasant Ave
1735 met ferry, parking complain, ticket issued
1900 Ocean St report of sewage line malfunction
1915 met ferry
Disturbance call at Battery Steele, kids ran off at our arival
Two camper located on property and told to relocate
2015 met ferry
2115 met ferry
2230 met ferry
Shift change with PD Officer Tully
2330 met ferry
checked Battery Steele
checked DPW
checked TEIA
checked American Legion
All golf carts require a registration, auto insurance, and a valid drivers
license to operate.