08/24/2014 Ofc. Richardson
0700 shift change with Officer Taylor / Officer Connolly
0800 met ferry
0915 met ferry
1015 met ferry
1115 met ferry
1215 met ferry, shift change with PPD Officer Lackey
1415 met ferry
1515 met ferry, drinking in public warning next to the treatment plant
1630 met ferry, drinking in public warning in the ferry line
1735 met ferry,assist resident on Upper A Street. Visiting nurse left the front door ajar,
they wanted it closed
1800 returned to Upper A St. residence for a disturbance
1915 met ferry, assist FD with medical call, Upper A St.
2015 met ferry, checked TEIA
2115 met ferry, checked Battery Steele
2230 met ferry
2330 checked Lions Club and American Legion
Do not store more that 2-3 gallons of gasoline in your garage or shed...
and never store any fuels in your basement or living spaces.