Friday, March 7, 2014

3-6-2014       Officer  T. O'Connor

0700- arrived on the island

0800- met the ferry, checked the Welch St lot

0900-met the ferry, checked the community center

1000-met the ferry, assisted a subject on Bracket St.

1100-met the ferry, patrolled the back side of the island

1200-met the ferry, patrolled

1400-met the ferry, patrolled the area around DPW

1500- met the ferry, patrolled

1600-met the ferry, patrolled the area around the school

1700- met the ferry, patrolled

1900-met the ferry, checked the community center

2000- met the ferry, patrolled

2100-met the ferry, checked the welch St lot

2200- met the ferry, patrolled around the island


Tip of the day.....more pot holes are showing safely