02/12/2014 Ofc Connolly and Ofc Rumery-Taylor
0715: shift change (Lauterbach to Connolly)
0730: patrolled island
0800: met ferry
0810: citizen report that she has located 2 domesticated geese. She
believes they belong to someone and will be calling the avian rescue if nobody
reports them missing. Check of shift log reveals no report of any missing
0930: patrolled island
1135: patrolled island
1230: shift change (Connolly to Rumery-Taylor)
1430: met ferry-patrolled Island
1530: met ferry
1645: met ferry-patrolled Island
1750: met ferry-PFD FF Doughty for training
1930: met ferry-patrolled Island
1955: checked the area of "the low road near Long Island" for a report of a
stationary red flashing light-nothing found but channel markers.
2030: met ferry-patrolled Island
2130: met ferry-dropped off FF Doughty
2245: met ferry
Information from:
Peaks Island Health Center
87 Central Ave.
87 Central Ave.
Hours: Monday and Thursday: 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM
Kitty Gilbert, Family Nurse Practitioner, provides care for all
Please call either 766-2929 or 874-2466 for an appointment.
Please call either 766-2929 or 874-2466 for an appointment.
A reminder to Health Center patients: When the Health Center is not open,
you may contact Kitty or another provider, and receive care at the offices of
Portland Family Medicine on Congress St., located just a short distance from
Casco Bay Lines. Call one of the above numbers to make an appointment.
A reminder to all Peaks Islanders: Anyone needing blood work can have it
done on the Island. Please call the Health Center for an appointment, and bring
(or have faxed) a written order from your primary care physician. Health Center
Fax: 207-766-5073
Are you considering using the Health Center (Portland Family Medicine) as
your primary healthcare provider? Among the comments heard from new Health
Center users:
* "Kitty Gilbert, the Center's Family Nurse Practitioner, is like an old-fashioned doc, caring and competent, with up-to-date information at her fingertips. When necessary, she makes referrals to top specialists, and, just as important, she makes sure I get in to see them."
* "I can get an appointment when I need it, sometimes the same day that I call."
* "The Health Center saves me time and worry by taking blood samples and emailing me the results."
* "Kitty Gilbert, the Center's Family Nurse Practitioner, is like an old-fashioned doc, caring and competent, with up-to-date information at her fingertips. When necessary, she makes referrals to top specialists, and, just as important, she makes sure I get in to see them."
* "I can get an appointment when I need it, sometimes the same day that I call."
* "The Health Center saves me time and worry by taking blood samples and emailing me the results."