Wednesday, October 16, 2013

10/15/2013  Ofc Rumery-Taylor


0700- shift change w/Ofc Lauterbach-PFD shift change

0730- Bldg-equipment maintenance

0800- met ferry-patrolled Island

0900- Ladder 12 familiarization

0945- met ferry

1100- met ferry-patrolled Island Ave

1230- spoke w/Islander re:civil question

1345- patrolled Island

1430- met ferry-patrolled Island

1530- met ferry

1605- stopped by Peaks Elementary to touch base with staff

1645- met ferry-patrolled Island-familiarization of businesses w/Lt Wallace

1755- met ferry

1930- met ferry-patrolled Island

2030-met ferry-patrolled Island

2130- met ferry-spoke w/Islander re:Subaru speeding going to afternoon boat

2245- met ferry



Safety Tip

Take simple fire safety precautions, like making sure fabrics for costumes and decorative materials are flame-resistant. Read all of NFPA's Halloween safety tips and download our free safety tip sheet.

Planning ahead can help make this Halloween a fire-safe one. Taking simple fire safety precautions, like making sure fabrics for costumes and decorative materials are flame-resistant, can prevent fires. During the five-year-period of 2006-2010, NFPA estimates that decorations were the item first ignited in an estimated average of 1,000 reported home structure fires per year. These fires caused an estimated average of six civilian deaths, 53 civilian injuries and $16 million in direct property damage per year.