Robert Lauterbach 9/12/2013
0700 - arrived on island.
0720 - drove around perimeter of island.
0800 - met ferry and picked up firefighter partner.
0920 - medcu 12 run 14 Luther Street. Patient transported to fire boat
without issues.
1030 - cleaned and decontaminated the ambulance.
1230 - met ferry.
1430 - met ferry.
1505 - drove through Central Ave. and met 1530 ferry.
1545 - responded back to the station house for the fire alarm sounding.
Everything 10-4. Reset the alarm.
1600 - medical walk in to the station house. Treated and transported to
the fire boat without issues.
1650 - responded to the children's workshop for fire alarm sounding.
Everything 10-4. Reset the alarm.
1900 - patrolled back shore of island and met 1930 ferry.
2030 - met ferry.
2115 - checked DPW property and met 2130 ferry.
*****Avoid being a victim to a burglary by trimming hedges by your doors
and windows, and leaving a light on even when you're not home.*****