Tuesday, February 19, 2013

02/17/2013 Ofc. Rumery-Taylor

0800- Shift change w/Ofc Lauterbach

0945- met ferry

1030- spoke w/victims of terrorizing and criminal mischief incident from previous shift.

1100- met ferry

1200- patrolled Island

1430- met ferry

1530- met ferry-patrolled Island

1645- met ferry

1740- patrolled -met ferry

1930- met ferry
2030- met ferry
2130- met ferry-s/a to Island Ave residence re: recent 1093 by neighbor
Spoke with the residents who were the victims of a crime overnight. They were shocked and scared by the incident and asked for direction in this ongoing process. If you are the victim of a crime we have many resources available. Our Victim Advocate Janice Hackett is an amazing resource for you.