Monday, December 17, 2012

Ofc. Rumery-Taylor Dec. 15, 2012

0700- Shift change w/Ofc Lauterbach

0800- met ferry-shift change PFD-patrolled Island

0930- patrolled Island and met ferry

1100- met ferry

1230- met ferry-patrolled Island

1430- met ferry-PFD shift change-patrolled Island

1530- met ferry

1645- met ferry-patrolled Island

1750- met ferry

1930- met ferry-patrolled Island

2040- met ferry-drove around Island-several quiet Holiday parties going on

2130- met ferry

2245- met ferry-patrolled Island

2345- met ferry-patrolled Island

I spoke with quite a few parents (several from off Island) who were worried and upset about the recent school shooting in CT. In speaking with me a few realized that their kids didn't know who the police officers or firefighters were in their area. We have a great resource here on Peaks and we are happy to accommodate when we can and meet the kids and let them see us in our gear-full turnout gear on a fire fighter--yes I DID just volunteer a fire fighter-feel free to stop by or call us.