Monday, November 26, 2012

11/21/2012 Ofc. Rumery-Taylor

0700- Shift Change w/Ofc Lauterbach

0800- Met ferry-PFD shift change-patrolled Island

0945- Met ferry-patrolled Island

1030- Met Fireboat-transport trades to station

1100- Met ferry

1135- Trades transported to Fireboat

1230- Met ferry

1430- Met Ferry-patrolled Island

1500- Vin verification for BMV Det Hurley

1530- Met ferry

1550- flagged down for lock out of M/V on Island Ave (spare keys retrieved)

1600- 73 Pleasant Ave Investigation report

1645- Met ferry

1750- Met ferry

1930- Met ferry-patrolled Island

2030- Met ferry-Special Attention to Vacation homes

2130- Met ferry-S/A to Vacation homes

2245- Met ferry-bars quiet-S/A to vacation homes.

If you are going away over the Holidays it is a good idea to pick up a timer for your lights. You can "set it and forget it". Having a neighbor pick up your mail or having it held at the Post office is also a smart idea. Lastly, remember that you can stop by the station and let one of us know when you are going out of town and we will keep an extra eye on your home while you are gone.