Peaks Island 8-7-2012 Officer O'Connor
0700- arrived on the island
0800- fireside shift change, report of a racoon acting strange on Tolman
0900- 79 Island ave reported strange noises on the 2nd floor, backup hard
drive reported missing from the bracket St. church
1000- checked the ferry, checked the welch St.. parking lot
1100- checked the ferry, patrolled
1200- 2 bicycles reported taken from 40 central ave.
1300- patrolled the back of the island
1400-79 Island ave reports someone on the second floor, house checked and
found empty, 2nd report of a racoon acting strange on Tolman rd
1500- checked the ferry, patrolled
1600- checked the ferry, checked then community center
1700- checked the ferry
1800- report of bicycle taken from infront of the library
1900-reports of bicycles taken from Seashore ave, and the whitehead
2000- Liam fox stopped in area of stolen bicycles, had been drinking, taken
to the station and released to his dad
2100 stolen bicycle recovered infront of the inn at Peaks
2200- checked the ferry, patrolled
2300- checked the ferry, patrolled
, checked the community center
with bicycle thefts on the rise everyone should take a minute and put a
lock on their bicycles . all the bicycles taken today were unlocked and out in
the open.