Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Robert Lauterbach 7/13/2012

0700 - arrived on island.

0800 - met ferry and picked up firefighter partner.

0840 - drove around perimeter of island.

0930 - met ferry.

1030 - met ferry.

1110 - drove through Brackett Ave. and met 1130 ferry.

1230 - met ferry.

1345 - drove through Central Ave.

1430 - met ferry and picked up police partner.

1520 - assisted FD in filling up community garden.

1645 - met ferry.

1740 - responded to 116 Upper A st. for a persons bothering call. No crime committed.

1930 - met ferry.

2030 - met ferry and drove around island.

2130 - met ferry.

2245 - met ferry and drove around island.

2345 - met ferry.