Monday, July 23, 2012

Peaks Island 7-20-2012 Officer O'Connor
0700- arrived on the island

0800- checked the ferry, patrolled

0900- checked the ferry, checked the community center, washed the vehicle

1000- checked the ferry, patrolled the back side of the island

1100- checked the ferry, spoke with YMCA employee about Peaks to Portland swim

1200- checked the ferry, patrolled

1300- checked the area around the school, checked the community center

1400- checked the ferry, checked the welch St.. parking lot

1500- checked the ferry, complaint about cars in the no parking zone welch St. and island ave. 2 cars ticketed

1700 checked the ferry, O.T. officer arrived on the island

1800- checked the ferry, patrolled

1900 - checked the ferry, patrolled

2000- checked the ferry, patrolled central ave area

2100- checked the ferry, patrolled

2200- checked the ferry, checked the lions club, shift change for the 2nd officer on the island

2300- checked the ferry, medical call 97 Brackett ave