Robert Lauterbach
0700 - arrived on
0800 - picked up firefighter
partner and met ferry.
0840 - drove around the perimeter
of the island.
0945 - met ferry.
1030 - drove through Central
1100 - met ferry.
1230 - met ferry.
1415 - drove through Brackett
1430 - met ferry.
1530 - met ferry.
1600 - drove around
1645 - met ferry.
1750 - met ferry.
1930 - met ferry.
2050 - drove around
2030 - met ferry.
2130 - met ferry.
2230 - checked DPW
2245 - met ferry.
2345 - met ferry.
0030 - checked community
05/05/2012 Ofc Rumery Taylor
0700- shift change w/Ofc Lauterbach
0800- met ferry-shift change for PFD
0900- 6 Welch St complaint about buoys and lobster gear next to lobster
shack blocking easy access to deck behind shack
0945- met ferry-patrolled Island
1000- preparation for Open House
1025- Took Engine 12 to Community Garden and filled water tank.
1110- Engine 12 in quarters-filling tank
1200- Volunteer Firefighter Pizza lunch-picked up pizza @ Hannigan's (All
pizza generously donated by Bob Hannigan!!)
1300- Open House w/ Ofc Lauterbach and Fireboat staff
1330- Black lab running on Centennial Beach-collar no tags. Unable to
1400- spoke to elderly resident about her desire to move back into her
house. Her son has been working diligently to clean out the house and she is
anxious to return home.
1430- Moped circling Herman Ave & Daniels St area.
1520- 911 Hang up call area of 4 Welch St-nothing said or heard-nothing
showing-no one in line for car ferry saw or heard anything . Cleared.
1655- met ferry-patrolled Island
1750- met ferry
1845- patrolled Island
1930- met ferry
2030- met ferry- patrolled Island
2130- met ferry- patrolled Island-checked bars for Cinco de Mayo
2245- met ferry- patrolled Island-checked bars for Cinco de Mayo
2345- met ferry- patrolled Island-checked bars for Cinco de Mayo
The Open House was very successful! Officer Lauterbach and I would like to
thank everyone who came out to see the new improved building. A Special Thank
You to Bob Hannigan for providing the pizza for our volunteer
Firefighters. Peaks Island is very lucky to have the hard working volunteers
that they do!