0700- arrived on the island
0800- met the ferry, fire side shift change
09000-met the ferry, checked the school area
1000- met the ferry, checked the welch st parking lot for violations
1100- dog off leash complaint waleback area
1200- checked the ferry, patrolled
1300- checked in on the community center
1400- checked the ferry, patrolled central ave area
1500- checked the ferry, patrolled
1600- checked the ferry, patrolled
1700- checked the ferry, assisted motorist seashore ave
1800- patrolled
1900- checked the ferry, patrolled central ave area
2000- checked the ferry, patrolled
2100 checked the ferry
2200 checked the ferry, patrolled, gave special attention to the front side of the island( welch st., island ave)
Robert Lauterbach 3/17/2012
0700 - arrived on island.
0800 - met ferry and picked up firefighter partner.
0825 - drove around perimeter of island.
0945 - met ferry.
1030 - drove through Central ave and met 1100 ferry.
1230 - met ferry.
1315 - drove around island and met 1430 ferry.
1530 - met ferry.
1545 - medcu 12 run- Torrington rd. Patient transported to fireboat.
1750 - met ferry.
1900 - drove around perimeter of island.
1930 - met ferry.
2030 - met ferry.
2115 - drove around island.
2130 - met ferry.
2220 - drove around TEIA property.
2225 - medcu 12 run - behind 76 island ave. Patient transported to fireboat.
2345 - met ferry.
0030 - checked community building.
Ofc Rumery-Taylor 03/18/12
0800-shift change w/ Ofc Lauterbach
0830-pick up firefighter from fire boat
0845-equipment & vehicle maint.
0945-met ferry/patrolled Island
1000-cleaning station
1040-Engine 12 on the road
1100-met ferry
1230-met ferry
1245-met with members of Brackett Memorial United Methodist Church re: a complaint of a person bothering during services, at after school times and during food pantry hours. Person was identified and served Criminal Trespass Paperwork 12-2243
1430-met ferry
1530-met ferry/patrolled Island
1645-met ferry/patrolled Island
1750-met ferry
1930-met ferry
2030-met ferry
2040-Inn on Peaks for complaint about 1043 person who had been rude to staff prior to leaving. They will call and have him served with CT paperwork if he returns.
2130-met ferry/patrolled Island
Spoke with an Islander about a civil matter she has pending. She provided a copy of paperwork to clarify the issue.