Friday, January 20, 2012

Robert Lauterbach
0700 - arrived on island.
0705 - brought the ambulance back to the bay and attempted to restart police vehicle(dead battery).
0800 - was able to start police vehicle up and transported the firefighter to the ferry and picked up firefighter partner.
0845 - drove around perimeter of island. 
0930  -drove through Central ave.
0945 - met ferry.
1035 - responded to 79 Welch st. for a keep the peace call.
1100 - met ferry.
1205 - drove through Brackett ave. and met 1230 ferry.
1430 - medcu 12 run to 11 Luther st. --- transported to fireboat with paramedics without problems at 1540.
1640 - drove through Central ave. and met ferry.
1750 - met ferry.
1900 - drove around island paying special attention to new construction sites.
1915 - spoke with a resident from 854 Seashore ave. regarding a possible theft of gas from her vehicle.  Requesting special attention at this time.
1930 - met ferry.
2015 - gave special attention Knickerbocker ave.
2030 - met ferry.
2105 - drove around island and met ferry.