1/30/2012 Ofc Rumery-Taylor
0700- arrived on Island-shift change w/Ofc Lauterbach
0720-equipment maintenace
0800-met ferry dropped firefighter off and patrolled Island
0830-met fire boat picked up firefighter and patrolled Island
0900-checked station and trucks/ambulance
0945-met ferry
1045-patrolled Island and met ferry-spoke to Islander about concerns of being revictimized after most recent burglary.
1130-patrolled Island stopped at construction sites
1230-met ferry
1430-met ferry and patrolled Island
1530-met ferry
1645-met ferry and walked through station with next door neighbor who was curious about building
1750-met ferry
1930-met ferry and patrolled Island
2030-met ferry
2130-met ferry
2245-met ferry and patrolled Island-secured Community building
During the day I located and put notices on 11 unregistered vehicles. I spoke with two of the owners. One had the current stickers and was going to put them on, the second person stated that she would have her husband take care of the issue immediately.