Friday, May 8, 2015

05/07/15   Ofc. Richardson

0700 instead of shift change this morning I joined Officer Rose at the scene of an unattended death (not suspicious )
0930 met ferry
1020 report of wires down on Brackett Ave
1045 met ferry
checked TEIA
1215 met ferry
1414 met ferry
1500 radar detail on Brackett Ave, two hours. Fastest vehicle 2 mph over the limit
1700 harassment warning served on Pleasant Ave resident 
warning given for unregistered mv
1735 met ferry
1800 joined islanders in a fund-raiser for the children's workshop
1915 met ferry
1930 more radar on Brackett Ave, no takers...
checked DPW
2030 met ferry
shift change with PFD
patrolled island with PFD
2115 met ferry
2230 checked American Legion
checked Lions Club


Everyone needs their health monitored by a doctor... please pick a doctor and see him or her at least every 24 months.. even if you feel fine