Thursday, August 13, 2015

08/10/15   Ofc. Connolly




Date _­­_08/10/15____        Shift _ __            Officer _       Connolly______        


Daily Tasks/Public Relations/Maintenance/Miscellaneous

0700 hours: shift change
0740 hours: patrolled island
0800 hours: met ferry
0820 hours: patrolled island
0930 hours: met ferry
1100 hours: conducted traffic detail on Island Ave. at Church St.  Purpose of detail was to monitor intersection/stop sign.  One traffic summons issued.
1130 hours: met ferry
1145 hours: patrolled island
1205 hours: party came to station to report lost bike. (bike found few hours later)
1430 hours: met ferry
1530 hours: met ferry
1535 hours: Driver’s License turned in.  Owner found.
1640 hours: Upper Veteran’s St report of a found dog.  Owner claimed her a short time later at the station.  Child did not close door completely.
1930 hours: met ferry
2000 hours: patrolled island
2030 hours: met ferry
2045 hours: patrolled island
2130 hours: met ferry
2150 hours: patrolled island
0010 hours: medical call Jewell Rd.

-When operating golf carts, please obey all traffic laws.  This includes, but is not limited to, stopping at stop signs and operating with lights in the hours of darkness.