Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rob Lauterbach 1/11/2012 Wednesday

0700 - arrived on island.
0800 - picked up firefighter partner and drove around perimeter of island.
0845 - drove through Brackett ave.
0945 - met ferry and drove around Central ave.
1100 - met ferry.
1230 - drove around island and met 1230 ferry. 
1330 - checked ambulance for supplies and made sure it was in good working order.
1430 - drove around island and met both 1430 and 1530 ferry.
1650 - met ferry.
1750 - met ferry. 
2030 - met ferry and drove around the new construction sites.
2140 - met ferry and gave special attention to a residence on Knickerbocker ave.
2235 - drove around perimeter of island and met ferry.
2345 - drove through Brackett ave.
0015 - gave special attention to Knickerbocker ave.
0035 - checked community room and library next door and made sure they were secure.
****** Please make sure that your address is easily seen from the road.  This is a huge help that can make all the difference in the world, for police, fire and medical care. Thanks.