Thursday, December 22, 2016


 Date: December 20, 2016         Officer Connolly
0700 hours:  Shift change. Report to duty with Lt Wallace
0715 hours: Vehicle maintenance and inspection 
0730 hours: Special attention to Welch St. lot
0930 hours: Conference with probation via phone.
1100 hours: Resident of Island Ave has box of food she wants to donate.  The food was picked up and was delivered to the Faye Garmon House where it was left in the day room.
1130 hours: Inquiry about a lost wallet.  
1700 hours: Mother brought her young daughter in to the station after a fall.  Lt. Wallace examined the girl.  Not transported.
Met ferry throughout the day as time permitted.
Patrolled Island throughout day.
Please pay attention to when there is a snow ban.  Cars and golf carts parked on Island Ave will get ticketed.