Wednesday, September 28, 2016

09/25/16   Ofc. Rose

Date _09/25/2016 Shift _1 __ Officer _ ROSE _______

Daily Tasks/Public Relations/Maintenance/Miscellaneous

0700 Reported for duty

Police Cadet on duty

Monitored traffic on Island Ave, normal traffic

Monitored traffic at the ferry line all day.

Checked camp fire on the CMP beach, no issues

SA check on Winding Way for inspections

Met the Ferry throughout the day Patrolled the Island with the police cadet

Training with the Fire Department, hose testing on ladder 12 completed


Please keep in mind that we are in hurricane season and the time to prepare for storms is before they

arrive not when they arrive. Water, batteries, flashlights, non-perishable food and water are all good

items to have on hand in case they are needed. You can find more information at