Wednesday, September 14, 2016

09/13/16   Ofc. Connolly
0700 hours:  Shift change.  Reported for duty with FF Lt. Wallace.  
0715 hours: Report of people parking in the handicapped area (Welch St. lot) with expired tags.  Was unable to locate any violators.  
0730 hours: Vehicle maintenance and inspection
0815 hours: Special attention to the Peaks Island School.
1000 hours: Citizen requested a check the well being for Friday (09/16). 
1130 hours: Special attention to Battery Steele area.
1400 hours: Special attention to Welch St. parking lot.
1500 hours: Monitored traffic at Peaks Island School during release time.
1600 hours: DPW called to provide an update on disagreement (parking) between citizen and the day care center.
Met ferries throughout day as time permitted
-The IRS scam calls are still being made.  The IRS doesn't do their business via telephone. Please hang up.